Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 10, 2015


  Today I learned the capitalization rule 1 in language. The rule was capitalize the proper name of things and people. The hardest thing to capitalize is the words like west, east, south, north when there're a part of a country. I learned how to divide four digits number and divide numbers with zeros as the ending digits. We have to cross out the number of zeros that was in the dividend, then divide the divisor as if there was no zeros in the divisor and the dividend; but when we multiply to check it, we still have to multiply the dividend by the quotient, but the dividend have zeros this time now. I learned how to see if the hypothesis was right in science today. We need to observe and gahter informations to make the hypothesis, then we experiment to see if our hypothesis is right; if not, we have to make another hypothesis and observe to make a new experiment. I finished learning about Abraham in Bible, and I started to learned about Isaac and his sons, Jacob and Esau. In history, I learned about the Sumerian's belief and the reason of their conflicts. I have the first Speed/Comprehension Quiz and the first language quiz. I think I've improved my guitar skill a little bit more, and I'm able to change my fingers between the C chord and the G chord faster than before. I bought fresh milk, chocolate milk, and some notebook today while my dad and I went for a walk, and we have wild goose for dinner today, and it was delicious. Tonight my dad and I will buy some books. 

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