Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 10, 2015


  Today I started to learned lesson 2. One of my dad's friend came over today to see my homeschool programm, and he brought his son with him. His sin was impressive about what I got to learned in history. In mathematic I learned about multiplication because it was only lesson 2, so I relearned multiplication. And I have the first speed test or what ever it's called.  In history I learned about the Tower of Babel. I think I have written this yesterday, but today is the day I learned about e Tower of Babel. In science I learned what enviroment means, and it means the surrounding of the place an animal lived. In grammar I continue to learn the spelling list 1 and about the library with its way of organizing books. There're two way to organize books, there're the Dewey system and the Congress system. One were listed by numbers, and the other were by numbers and letters. I continue to learn about Abraham in Bible. Today I learned the new words at noon instead of in the afternoon, which is good because my father has to go back to his hometown to attend a funeral. Because my father wasn't home to watch movie with me, I have to watch alone. 

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