Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 10, 2015


  Today I've finish sixth grade, hurray. I finish about 10:30 am. I have penmanship, history, and science test. I also learned spelling and have an optional spelling test. My dad read the words and sentences for me to write in my test. I read so books first that was for next year like science and reading. There're many stories in the reading book, like Sherlock Holmes, The Christmas Carol and some more that I don't remember the name. This afternoon my dad takes me to sell his stocks and the see if my polyp still there, after that, we take my sister home from school. And today my muscle doesn't hurt except the abdominal muscles. At least I could still lift weights as usual. Today when I and my dad walk he said that it was good of me to instructed him to give me the spelling test. When I take a walk with my dad today, we have to go home early because I was hungry; we only walk 7 rounds instead of 8 rounds as we usually did. Today my mom told me that I cooked the rice with enough water. Is my turn to wash the dishes today, and I don't have reading lessons. So I only need to wash the dishes, write my blog, and a few more things, then I'll continue watch The Avenger 2 on the Ipad and another long movie or a few episodes of short movies. 
  Tommorrow I couldn't eat breakfast because if I eat breakfast, my gallbladder would get shrink and they can't see the polyp with their supersonic device to see inside my stomach. 

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