Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 10, 2015


  Yesterday I watched John Carter of Mar on iPad. I don't know why, but I like to watch that movie again. I haven't finished the movie yet, but hopefully I'll continue it tonight. 

  Today I went to my dad's parents house and one of my dad's aunt went with us. When I got there I say hello to my great grandparents and my grandparents, of course. At lunch I ate only rice, sticky rice, and chicken. I also played badminton with my dad till dinner. Dinner was early and I woke up quite late so we doesn't play badminton much, only about 30 minutes. On the trip to there and home, my dad hear a guy name A.J. Hodge on the recorder teaching english by telling stories and then ask questions about the story, and some questions even repeated. We arrived home about 9:00 pm. After I got home, I have to get the clothes off the line and buy soap for the washing machine and milk for my younger sister. I also push up 24 times today, that's mean I push up 4 times than the last time I push up. Next time I'll push up more but not 4 times more. 

  Tommorrow I'll start learing 7th grade. I only need to learn one lesson a day, but maybe I'll learned one extra subject so I don't end the class too terribly early. After learning I'll take clothes off the line, lift weight. After that I'll rest a little  then learn guitar, so my arms don't get tired when I learn guitar. 


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