Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 10, 2015


  Yesterday I watch a few short movies and Transfomers 4, so I didn't get to watch the whole movie. I also forgot to preview some lessons in the books too, so I have to preview them. I'll continue the movie next week. 

  Today I learned about the Sumerian in history. The Sumerian invented writing and wheels. They've been invaded by Akkadians. The Akkadians was so impressive about what the Sumerians have done that they kept most of the Sumerian's culture except their language. In language the teacher told us about book report, and she shows us some books to do book report that was published by A Beka Book. There're a bibliography of George Washington, William the Conquerer, and a missionary that I don't remembered his name, and the rest are books like the Black Arrow and Morgan, the Spy of New Jersey. In mathematic I learned about division, and some questions were quite challenging for me. Igot some wrong answer in the questions, so when I check the answer, I found out that the answer was wrong and fix the answer which make my paper look likes a mess there. And today my dad and I go to buy a six edge screwdriver, and while we go, my mom called to my Dad and told him to buy medicine for my sister. After that we went near our home to buy the screwdriver. We did got the screwdriver. When we got here me we take a walk, but it was longer than usual because I didn't walk enough yesterday. After we eat dinner, we tried to onpen our wifi access point to fix it, but the screw was not only six edge but also have a pole in the middle of it. My dad still able to open it though, but we couldn't fix it. 

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