Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 10, 2015


  Yesterday I finally finished the movie John Carter of Mars on iPad. Today I officially started 7th grade. I could only learned one lesson instead of one lesson and one extra subject as I intended to yesterday. Mathematic was easy, for I only learned addition on lesson 1. Language wasn't that easy, for there're some answers that I'm not quite sure of. Spelling and reading were easy too. I learned all the words in  today reading lesson and all the words that I didn't know in the spelling list. I was  introduced to science today, but we did read some pages in our science book though. In history I learned about the Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel in class and in homework reading. I learned two Bible verses, and they were in Revelation and John. We also learned about Abraham in Bible today. Today I finished class about 4:25 pm, and I takes clothes off the line. After that, I played Lego 'till it's time to cook rice. After I've cooked the rice, I take a bath; then I watched movie with my sister a while then read the lessons in the textbooks that I'll read in the later lessons. When my dad and I buy foods for tonight, I make a new list of foods for Monday, for I've lost the last one. Before we go I did told myself to buy some notebooks, but I forgot to buy them; so I'll buy them later. Today I tried to push up again but could only push 4 times. 

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