Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 10, 2015


Today I have a spelling test and learned about installment buying in arithmetic. I read the Pied Piper of Hamelin in poem form. And today I close a door in the attic. The special thing is it's on the ceiling so I have to use a dry bamboo ladder to close it, and it was scary because it shakes, and to me it doesn't look as if it could bare my weigh. Today is my day to watch movie because it's Wednesday. And today I took a IBM quiz. The quiz say what kind of person I'm going to be, but I don't know the word in english. Yesterday I watch Fast and Furious 7. There's only 7 or 8 lessons left to learn so I might finish 6th grade by next week. Lesson 170 gonna have 8 tests or quizzes in them, and one of them is an optional test( it's spelling.)

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