Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 10, 2015
This morning, I walked a mile in only 17:35 minutes, and I'm very proud of it. Today I have no lesson to in Bible, so I read the new Bible verse Roman 10:9-11 four times by myself. In arithmetic I learned how to write large numbers and rounding numbers. In science, I remembered that yesterday I only learned about a man named Sir Francis Bacon who developed the way to check a hypothesis or something like that, and that means today I learned the way to check a hypothesis; I also have science quiz. In history I leared about Hammurani and his empire. And I have a spelling quiz today, it was equivalent to spelling test in 6th grade, I guest, we were also introduced to spelling list 2 and a new spelling rule. The new spelling rule was i before e except after c and when supounded like a as in neighbor and weigh. Today I lift weights 45 times upward in less than 2 minutes, and my arms doesn't even feel tired. I finished the new book I bought yesterday called Skulguggery Pleasant book 1. I went to get my little sister from school today and take some medicine for her with my mom. My mom also buy some medicine for my mouth; it still hurts alot. Tonight my family won't go to church, so I'll played iPad at home.
Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 10, 2015
Today I learned the capitalization rule 1 in language. The rule was capitalize the proper name of things and people. The hardest thing to capitalize is the words like west, east, south, north when there're a part of a country. I learned how to divide four digits number and divide numbers with zeros as the ending digits. We have to cross out the number of zeros that was in the dividend, then divide the divisor as if there was no zeros in the divisor and the dividend; but when we multiply to check it, we still have to multiply the dividend by the quotient, but the dividend have zeros this time now. I learned how to see if the hypothesis was right in science today. We need to observe and gahter informations to make the hypothesis, then we experiment to see if our hypothesis is right; if not, we have to make another hypothesis and observe to make a new experiment. I finished learning about Abraham in Bible, and I started to learned about Isaac and his sons, Jacob and Esau. In history, I learned about the Sumerian's belief and the reason of their conflicts. I have the first Speed/Comprehension Quiz and the first language quiz. I think I've improved my guitar skill a little bit more, and I'm able to change my fingers between the C chord and the G chord faster than before. I bought fresh milk, chocolate milk, and some notebook today while my dad and I went for a walk, and we have wild goose for dinner today, and it was delicious. Tonight my dad and I will buy some books.
Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 10, 2015
Yesterday I watch a few short movies and Transfomers 4, so I didn't get to watch the whole movie. I also forgot to preview some lessons in the books too, so I have to preview them. I'll continue the movie next week.
Today I learned about the Sumerian in history. The Sumerian invented writing and wheels. They've been invaded by Akkadians. The Akkadians was so impressive about what the Sumerians have done that they kept most of the Sumerian's culture except their language. In language the teacher told us about book report, and she shows us some books to do book report that was published by A Beka Book. There're a bibliography of George Washington, William the Conquerer, and a missionary that I don't remembered his name, and the rest are books like the Black Arrow and Morgan, the Spy of New Jersey. In mathematic I learned about division, and some questions were quite challenging for me. Igot some wrong answer in the questions, so when I check the answer, I found out that the answer was wrong and fix the answer which make my paper look likes a mess there. And today my dad and I go to buy a six edge screwdriver, and while we go, my mom called to my Dad and told him to buy medicine for my sister. After that we went near our home to buy the screwdriver. We did got the screwdriver. When we got here me we take a walk, but it was longer than usual because I didn't walk enough yesterday. After we eat dinner, we tried to onpen our wifi access point to fix it, but the screw was not only six edge but also have a pole in the middle of it. My dad still able to open it though, but we couldn't fix it.
Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 10, 2015
Today I started to learned lesson 2. One of my dad's friend came over today to see my homeschool programm, and he brought his son with him. His sin was impressive about what I got to learned in history. In mathematic I learned about multiplication because it was only lesson 2, so I relearned multiplication. And I have the first speed test or what ever it's called. In history I learned about the Tower of Babel. I think I have written this yesterday, but today is the day I learned about e Tower of Babel. In science I learned what enviroment means, and it means the surrounding of the place an animal lived. In grammar I continue to learn the spelling list 1 and about the library with its way of organizing books. There're two way to organize books, there're the Dewey system and the Congress system. One were listed by numbers, and the other were by numbers and letters. I continue to learn about Abraham in Bible. Today I learned the new words at noon instead of in the afternoon, which is good because my father has to go back to his hometown to attend a funeral. Because my father wasn't home to watch movie with me, I have to watch alone.
Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 10, 2015
Yesterday I finally finished the movie John Carter of Mars on iPad. Today I officially started 7th grade. I could only learned one lesson instead of one lesson and one extra subject as I intended to yesterday. Mathematic was easy, for I only learned addition on lesson 1. Language wasn't that easy, for there're some answers that I'm not quite sure of. Spelling and reading were easy too. I learned all the words in today reading lesson and all the words that I didn't know in the spelling list. I was introduced to science today, but we did read some pages in our science book though. In history I learned about the Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel in class and in homework reading. I learned two Bible verses, and they were in Revelation and John. We also learned about Abraham in Bible today. Today I finished class about 4:25 pm, and I takes clothes off the line. After that, I played Lego 'till it's time to cook rice. After I've cooked the rice, I take a bath; then I watched movie with my sister a while then read the lessons in the textbooks that I'll read in the later lessons. When my dad and I buy foods for tonight, I make a new list of foods for Monday, for I've lost the last one. Before we go I did told myself to buy some notebooks, but I forgot to buy them; so I'll buy them later. Today I tried to push up again but could only push 4 times.
Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 10, 2015
Yesterday I watched John Carter of Mar on iPad. I don't know why, but I like to watch that movie again. I haven't finished the movie yet, but hopefully I'll continue it tonight.
Today I went to my dad's parents house and one of my dad's aunt went with us. When I got there I say hello to my great grandparents and my grandparents, of course. At lunch I ate only rice, sticky rice, and chicken. I also played badminton with my dad till dinner. Dinner was early and I woke up quite late so we doesn't play badminton much, only about 30 minutes. On the trip to there and home, my dad hear a guy name A.J. Hodge on the recorder teaching english by telling stories and then ask questions about the story, and some questions even repeated. We arrived home about 9:00 pm. After I got home, I have to get the clothes off the line and buy soap for the washing machine and milk for my younger sister. I also push up 24 times today, that's mean I push up 4 times than the last time I push up. Next time I'll push up more but not 4 times more.
Tommorrow I'll start learing 7th grade. I only need to learn one lesson a day, but maybe I'll learned one extra subject so I don't end the class too terribly early. After learning I'll take clothes off the line, lift weight. After that I'll rest a little then learn guitar, so my arms don't get tired when I learn guitar.
Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 10, 2015
Yesterday my iPad has a glitch so I can't play iPad in Quan and Quang's house. But luckily the screen stay continually bright, so on today morning, the iPad ran out of battery and it shut off. After we turn it up again, it wasn't glitchy anymore.
Today I and my parents we to my mom's mother's house. I watch the motorcycles so no one takes it for a while. We got there about 9:30 am and eat at 10:30 am, and we got home at 2:49 pm and played Infinity Blade 3. Today I also watch Star Wars: Rebels season 2 that premiere today on Disney Channel. Tonight I've lifted weights, then I'll write blog which is right now. After that, I'll have to play guitar for 10 minutes, then I could watch movie on iPad. I could still only play the E chord well, for I still couldn't play the C and G chord well.
Tomorrow I'll go to my dad's parents house, and maybe I'll bring my guitar to practice. Maybe the trip will be better than today; maybe I'll enjoy it more.
Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 10, 2015
Today I review seventh grade, and seventh grade was a lot different than sixth grade. The students don't read the textbook in class, but the teacher was the one who read it. Grammar consist of language, reading, and spelling. We don't have any work in the language textbook on the first two lessons. Spelling and reading are still the same as sixth grade. In Bible the students don't go up to pray, but they stayed at their seat and pray. There's a song book in Bible lesson, so it's easier to sing songs. Mathematics were taught by Mrs. Howe. The math textbook were different because they have certain amount of activities for each lesson, and not like 2 pages for a lesson as before. There're less lessons than sixth grade. Sixth grade have 8 subjects, but seventh grade only have 5 subjects. After I finished reviewing lesson 2, my dad and I take a look at the books that are in the eighth grade to ninth grade. During that, I have found out that A Beka have lesson for violin. And after some talking we finally talked about guitar, and my dad told me of the program called GarageBand that teach us how to play guitar. So tonight, I and my father went out to buy for me a guitar. The guitar cost 1,600,000 vnd and doesn't have a shiny wood, and I also got extra string and a guitar pick. I have finish lesson 1 of GarageBand, but I still have to pratice the E chord for I still couldn't make an 80% when I played. Tomorrow after I've finished reviewing the lessons, I'll continue to review the E chord, and maybe I could move on to lesson 2.
Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 10, 2015
Today I've finish sixth grade, hurray. I finish about 10:30 am. I have penmanship, history, and science test. I also learned spelling and have an optional spelling test. My dad read the words and sentences for me to write in my test. I read so books first that was for next year like science and reading. There're many stories in the reading book, like Sherlock Holmes, The Christmas Carol and some more that I don't remember the name. This afternoon my dad takes me to sell his stocks and the see if my polyp still there, after that, we take my sister home from school. And today my muscle doesn't hurt except the abdominal muscles. At least I could still lift weights as usual. Today when I and my dad walk he said that it was good of me to instructed him to give me the spelling test. When I take a walk with my dad today, we have to go home early because I was hungry; we only walk 7 rounds instead of 8 rounds as we usually did. Today my mom told me that I cooked the rice with enough water. Is my turn to wash the dishes today, and I don't have reading lessons. So I only need to wash the dishes, write my blog, and a few more things, then I'll continue watch The Avenger 2 on the Ipad and another long movie or a few episodes of short movies.
Tommorrow I couldn't eat breakfast because if I eat breakfast, my gallbladder would get shrink and they can't see the polyp with their supersonic device to see inside my stomach.
Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 10, 2015
Today I have Bible, language, and arithmetic test today. The language test was the longest test today, it consists six pages. The lesson in language in the text book was taking much time too, we have to diagram to answer the questions and write it in the blank, then we circle the answers on the word search which consist of a bunch of words scrabbled that if you search carefully you will find words. Arithmetic test was longer than normal, for it have four pages instead of two pages, but it wasn't a problem to me. Bible test was about Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. The Bible test have four pages as normal. I have AG quiz and Reading and Comprehension Quiz. Today I could only lift weights 30 times upward instead of 40 times as normal, so I lift it side way 35 times instead of 25 times. My muscles were still hurt, so when I sneeze, laugh, or just simply bent, it hurts my abdominal muscle. My biceps and triceps are still hurts too, that's why I can't lift weights upward as I usually do, but I still can write, eat, reading, type, etc. My dad found some movie disk today, including The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, and because today I've watch it we won't watch movie on Ipad tonight.
Tomorrow I'll have history, science, spelling, and penmanship test. I don't need to get to noon to finish the last day since I only have penmanship, spelling, history, and science. After finish learning tomorrow, my dad would take me to sell his stocks. At afternoon my dad would take me to see if my polyp were still there.
Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 10, 2015
Yesterday I watched The Avengers 2, but the movie was too long so I couldn't finish the movie, maybe I'll finish it on Wednesday.
Today my muscles hurt so much for push-ups yesterday, so I couldn't lift weights today. Today is Monday, so we have family meeting today, so we have coconut ring cookie, and I like it. The next year's study book got here today. There are more boxes that contain the disks next year. Each subject have several boxes for it. There are new history, science, spelling, language, mathematic, reading, and songs book for Bible. I review every subjects for the final test except spelling test, for I have already done it today. In today review for science, Mr Howe make jokes so funny that my abdominal muscles hurts so much because I push-up yesterday too hard. I'll have Bible, arithmetic, and language test and tomorrow penmanship, history, science, and an optional spelling test.
I'll finish sixth grade on Wednesday, actually I'll finish it at noon, for I only have to learn from arithmetic to science, but I'll think it'll be fast because most of the lesson have tests.
Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 10, 2015
Yesterday we watched San Andreas on Ipad. The movie is about a guy work as a rescue pilot rescueing his daughter in California after an earthquake. The movie wasn't too long. It was only about 90 minutes.
Today I went to my mom's mother house. We started about 8:30 am and got there about 9:30 am, and we got home about 2:30 pm. We eat my homemade burger for breakfast, and in lunch we have chicken, potato soup, sausages and more. I also disasemble a camera into pieces to find what's in it. The thing that I like the most in the camera is a len. I watched The Science of Stupid on National Geographic today. It have videos of people failed in their attempt to do something and a scientific explanation about why they failed. Today I've tried to push-up 6 times and it was difficult to do so. Maybe tomorrow I'll do 6 or 7 times, maybe 8 times, but I doubted that.
Tomorrow I'll continue to learn lesson 167, for tomorrow is Monday. Tomorrow I'll have a spelling test.
Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 10, 2015
Giá nguyên liệu burger
120 g lá lách 6,300 vnd
40g thịt 15,400 vnd
1 bánh 2,800 vnd
12 miếng pho mai 36,300 vnd
370 g cà chua 10,000 vnd
Một cái bánh bao gồm
Cà chua, lá lách, mayonaise, dầu 1,000 vnd
Bánh 2,800 vnd
Thịt 15,400 vnd
Pho mai 4,000 vnd
Tổng một cái bánh là 23,200 vnd
Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 10, 2015
Today I learned about gas meter in arithmetic. The gas is charged by hundred cubit feet. When the meters read 7;5;6, that means it's 756 hundred cu. ft. To find the cost is easy, you just need to times the cu. ft. by the penny it takes for one cubit feet. In health I learned about harmful substances in cigarettes such as nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. In reading I read a story from the book Blue Willow and The Adventure if The Speckled Band from Sherlock Holmes. In language I learned about interjection, and in history I review for the upcoming final test that are due in lesson 170, the last lesson in 6th grade. Maybe between 6th grade and 7th grade I might have some free times because the videos and the books might not reached us yet. I already gotten to lesson 167, only 3 lessons left.
Today I went to Quan and Quang's house because it's Friday. I played Infinity Blade 3 there.
Tomorrow I'll have to go to buy ingredients for the burgers, and I also have to list things and it's costs too, and the same with going to a mini supermarket for foods for Monday. Tomorrow I'll make ten burgers, six for tomorrow's lunch and four for Sunday's breakfast. The ingredients are buns, meat, cheese, spinach, some flour to make the patties, and some mayonnaise.
Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 10, 2015
Today I learned about kilowatt and how to know how much money to use a machine that need a certain kilowatt per hour. To find the money we need watts times hour then divided by one thousand, the times the cent in decimal. Then round it to the nearest cent. I also learned about budget. We need the income times the percent to find the money of that outcome. We could also divide the income by the outcome to find the percent of outcome to make sure we don't spend more than what we get.
In history I review for the final test in lesson 170, and I'm currently learning lesson 165. In reading I have Adventure in Greatness quiz and Reading and Volcabulary quiz. And tonight I read Esther chapter 3 to 5.
And I just know that we can't go to Canada this year because various reasons. Tonight I and my dad gonna read news on News on Ipad. News is an app on IOS to read news. And yesterday I hear a song name "Monster" by the Imagine Dragon.
Today walk a little bit longer than usual because I also walked to a mini supermarket to buy batteries and a soft drink for me and a beer for my dad. Today I also wash dishes in noon because my dad was tired.
Tomorrow I'll have a arithmetic quiz. And in health I'll learned about the harmful substances in cigarettes.
Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 10, 2015
Today I have a spelling test and learned about installment buying in arithmetic. I read the Pied Piper of Hamelin in poem form. And today I close a door in the attic. The special thing is it's on the ceiling so I have to use a dry bamboo ladder to close it, and it was scary because it shakes, and to me it doesn't look as if it could bare my weigh. Today is my day to watch movie because it's Wednesday. And today I took a IBM quiz. The quiz say what kind of person I'm going to be, but I don't know the word in english. Yesterday I watch Fast and Furious 7. There's only 7 or 8 lessons left to learn so I might finish 6th grade by next week. Lesson 170 gonna have 8 tests or quizzes in them, and one of them is an optional test( it's spelling.)
Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 10, 2015
Today I wrote the final draft of my book report about the book The Time Machin by H.G. Wells. And I read Dave Barry's book too. There're one part in the book that's hilarious, it said about his son's play in the kindegarten. A saber tooth tiger came out to the stage and bumped into things that made the cave peoplein the play poke each other with their spear anfd laugh, and the narrator said, "They are really afraid." However today is Tuesday so I and my father gonna watch movie on Ipad. And in reading today I read William Shakespear's The Mechant of Venice. In Bible I learned in the book Esther. In history I learned about Brazil, and in health I review for the upcoming health test that will be in the next lesson. I also have arithmetic test too. Today I and my father go to take a picture for my Visa to go to Canada in December. I gonna to make hamburger on Saturday again, and I'll make six for Saturday lunch and four for Sunday breakfast.
Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 10, 2015
Today I write a rough draft for my book report, and you could say it was a mess. My book report is about the book The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. And in last weekend I watch the movie Pixel and Inside Out, and I like both of it. The movie Pixel has Adam Sandler in it. The movie is about an alien race that looks like the characters in the arcade games invading the earth after finding the video of a gaming championship that was sent out by NASA. Their invasion it kinda like a game, if we defeat them we get one point, but if we lose they get one point. Who have three points first wins. If we win the aliens will retreat, and if we lose they will destroy our planet. Inside Out is about the emotions inside Riley Anderson. When Joy and Sadness got lost, Anger, Fear, and Disgust have to control Riley as she moved to California, and they totally messed up. Fortunately Hoy and Sadness get back just in time. Joy also found out that we need sadness to have joy too( that's what the lesson in the movie is, but I don't actually get it.) Today I learned about interest in month in arithmetic. I also learned about countries in South America in history.
Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 10, 2015
Today is Friday, but we don't go to Quan and Quang's house because there's not enough time. And today I finally finish the story about Eric Liddell, I also read the story Chanticleer and Parlet and Henry Wadsforth Longfellow's "Hiawatha's Childhood". And today I learned about banking in arithmetic, and in science I learned about eyes and ears. Yesterday my dad and I found a new app to watch movie, and we watch Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation right away. And I have language and spelling test today in class. The spelling test is easy because the list was a look back, which means it have some words that I have learned before. And in the next lesson I gonna get to a new chapter in history.
Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 10, 2015
Today I watch the way to make a hamburger more closely with my mom, and we decided to make the patty with milk and without. I think we might not able to do the one with milk because we don't know where to find bread crumb, maybe we'll find it in the nearby bakery. And today I continue to read about Eric Liddell in reading homework. Eric Liddel was a 100 meter runner until he decide not to run the qualify because it was on Sunday. Because he honor God, God help him to win a gold medal on his first final of the 400 meter run. And today I and my dad are going to find another app on Ipad to watch movie. The last app for some reason didn't have American movie anymore so we have to find a new one. And today when I read about what the next arithmetic lesson was about, I found out that I gonna learn about banking and rate of interest. And for today in arithmetic, as I have said in the last entry, we learned about negative number and another thing that I don't remember now.
Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 10, 2015
Today I find the recipe for the home made hamburger, and it looks easy. Today is Wednesday so it's my day to watch movie. I intend to watch Ben 10 on youtube. Today I learned about the nervous system in health, and I also get the ntroduce to unit 2 in history; it's about South America. And I also learned about latitude in arithmetic, and I'll learned about negative numbers and square root tomorrow.
Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 10, 2015
Today I learn these new words,
1. Foul
2. Procure
3. Pomp
4. Acrimony
5. Implicit
6. Poignant
7. Swelter
8. Dogmatic
9. Tantamount
And today I and my dad discuss about two problem about going to Canada, the first one is winter vacation, I think about it because the weather might be so cold that we can't go to school. The second problem is blizard, for Canada it's nearer North Pole that means it's cold there so there might be a blzard, which might cause us to stay home for a long time. And today I also finish The Time Machine by H.G Wells. It's quite easy to finish it since it was only a shortenversion of the story, and it have only like 200 pages, maybe less or more. And today I learned about time zone in Arithmetic, and I also learned about the US time zone. There's 6 time zones in US.
Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 10, 2015
Today I finally get my score from the scholarship test, and I failed. But that's ok, I'm not sad about it for I still have many other chances. Last weekend I go to an island in Ha Long. We got to Ha Long by 1:30 pm and got into the boat at 2:30 pm. Unfortunately, the engine of the boat get overheated in the middle of the sea so we have to wait for another ship to get us. The funny thing is on last Sunday, which is yesterday, we got on boat to go home at 7:00 am because of the upcoming storm.
Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 10, 2015
Winnipeg, Canada
Winnipeg is kidda cold, but fortunately it's dry. The average temperature in december is from -10 degree to -19 degree Celsius, which is the time we're gonna go to Canada. When I get to Canada, my dad gonna go to find a job and I have to find a school so I could learn in the school, but it'll maybe just a "trial." We might be going in December, so that means it's only about 3 months left. Hope that I have the confidence to do that.
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