Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 11, 2016


  I don't realized this yesterday and might haven't talk about this in the last entry, but yesterday is Halloween. I seriously don't remember it. Maybe because there's nothing special about that day to me except all the channels on the television starts to air only horror movie. It have been a long time since the last time I do some special activity on Halloween. And the only activity that I remember now is back when I was in kindergarten about four or five years of age. Our family actually carved pumpkins. And it also rains hard on that day. After Halloween, we make soup out of those pumpkins. It was delicious and probably one of my most memorable days when I was young. Actually, I called all memories of the time when I was young memorable. And by saying young, I mean when I was less than seven years old since I still consider myself young and sometimes childish. Anyway, we're (if someone actually read this even though I don't give out the link to anyone and somehow people still finds it) not here to listen about my childhood, even though I want to talk about it to keep the entry long enough. We're here to (this my presumption of people who knows absolutely about me wants to hear from this blog) listen about my personal life. Just kidding, I'll never talk about that, which I will probably do it in the next few entries. I'm gonna talk about World War II, War Thunder, and YouTube. Recently (this evening), I watched a bit of the movie Hollywood Homocide. They mention the words H2O and Klepto together in the same sentence. Do you know what makes me think of when I saw those. Of course you don't, unless you are me or have the same idea as me. I think about Vanossgaming's gameplay of the game called Klepto. It was pretty funny with all those glitches. Sometimes, the character was just deformed. Even the cars, which I think is drivable, by the way, glitched when they got out of it. The van flew up in the sky, probably looks like break dancing too. Now let's talk a little bit about War Thunder. War Thunder is made by Russian game developers. Gaijin also developed another game that I like, Star Conflict. I don't play Star Conflict nowadays because I just can't find a game. I just can't connect to it. I've tried thrice. But I really like to use Steam. Especially because I could open Facebook using their expirimental browser while actually inside a match.

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