Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 11, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched the television. When I opened the television, there's no good movie on both StarMovies and HBO. So, I opened Discovery Channel and there's the program You Have Been Warned. Of course, I like this show a lot, but on National Geographic, there's another show that I also like a lot. It's called The Science of Stupid. I like The Science of Stupid more because it had fail vidoes, and I loke fail videos more. One of the examples is the video where firefighters are trying to extinguish the fire on a car which was near a ramp. As the fire subsided, a firefighter walk toward it to do something which I don't know what it was. The next thing we (the viewers of that video clip) see is the car starts to slide sdown the ramp. It was hilarious. One other example is two guy using toy lightsabers pretend to fight until one of them hit his lightsaber in the face of the other guy. It started as an epic video to a hilarious one.

  Today, I had quite a lot of Quarter Exams. There's English, literature, science, and Bible verse exam. The English and literature is grouped into one, which I got a 95/100. Science is a little bit worse. My score is 76/100. Bible verse exam, however, might be much better than science exam. Because this exam requires an actually human to check it, I haven't been informed of the score yet. But I think that I will have at least 75/100. It's not because I forgot the verses. I remembered them well, as a matter of fact. The reason I think it might be that low is because I don't remember the punctuations. I can't remember which were supposed to have a comma, a period, or a semicolon. But other than that, all is well.

  As we draw nearer and nearer to the end of 2016, Star Bundle started to give out a lot of big game sales on Steam. For example, the Dollar Dash sale allows us to buy a game for only one dollar, which was a pretty good deal to me. And today, they announced that we could buy eight games for just $3.49 or near that. The only downside to this is actually a pretty big one. The problem is most of those games are for Windows, and I use Ubuntu, which games with Linux platforms could also play on. But I could always wait for good free games to be released for Linux.

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