Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 11, 2016


  Now, I will continue talking about Robocraft, the game which I started to play more now. Last Sunday, I play the new gamemode called Arena. In most of the game, I stood in first place of our team. And in nearly everygame our team won except for one game where the enemies are attcking our mainly pillar and no one else in our team care to defend it. They are too busy attacking the energy pillars, which was constantly being captured. It was the only game the team I'm on lose. But I like that game. My helicopter used plasma grenade launchers, which was good for destroying pillars and ground enemies. The only downside is that it consumes too much energies. I had a tank too, but the firing rate of the primary weapon was too slow. If I remember it correctly, it was a Carbon 6 Laser Cannon. I really hoped that I had one or two more of those for faster firing. The helicopter had the cheap laser guns which shoots pretty quick. But its damage was too little, and it also doesn't have the loud firing sound which will give us the impression that it was powerful. I just recently installed a healing gun. Of course, it can't heal me; but healing other teammates would be helpful. Too bad I sold my powerful railgun. I now have to install a cheaper and less powerful railgun. Railguns in this game are like sniper rifles, only that they doesn't kill in one shot. However, if you aim it wisely, like on the enemies' weapon, which would destroy it, it would be helpful. The tank also had a radar, but it's range wasn't enough for me. Because msot of the enemies had railgun, and the radar that I currently couldn't detect enemies from that far. I would have detected the enemies without the radar. I also had a radar jammer on both of my bots. But if the enemies had a radar strong enough, they would still detected me. The downside of not having mech legs is that the tank could get upside down and if the helicopter got on of it's rotor off, it couldn't turn left or right, though it could still go left or right. I also put all the plasma guns to the front because if they are in the back, they would hit my own vehicle, which doesn't do any damage to it anyway but do waste energies. I wish I could obtain a device to increase the energy or energy regeneration from some crate. I have never see it. I once got a crate which I could get a legendary weapon if I had premium. And in order to obtain premium, we need to speed real money in the game.

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