Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2016

Ngoc Thuy

  Ngoc Thuy starts at the curve near Long Bien Bridge. The first thing you will saw there is some hotels at the foot of the dam. After a while of heading into the interior, you will saw the Mipec building. It had about four stories for a mall. There's a supermarket name Auchan. The supermarket is really big. It had a lot of merchandises. There's even blue cheese, which I doubt that there's people who buy it since it had molds in it. As you carry on, you will see other stores, cafe, and hotels at the foot of the dam. There's many way to get closer to the interior. After a while more and went down to the foot of the dam, there's a market that's called Ngoc Thuy Market. Out at the market, if you turn left and then right, you will see a minimart. We usually went to that minimart for most of the things I need excluding non-cooked food. As we go deeper into it, we shall see a secondary school. Then we'll come to an intersection. Turning left, we will see a minimart Vinmart. There's also toy stores which sold foods, drinks, and toys for kids. Going deepy, we will see a primary school. And there's will be a fork further. To the right, there's will be a big willow and a soccer field, and the left is a long passage, which after many turns, will lead to a small lake. At the first road to go down the dam after Auchan, there's a chicken hotpot and noodle restaurant. And there's also a small "restaurant" which we could find snails to eat there.

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