Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 11, 2016


  Let's talk more about games. I had recently discovered that I do get some money if people download my robot that I uploaded to the "Factory" in Robocraft. We will get 25% of the robot's price for each downloads. I had uploaded my new helicopter robot called DFA for Death From Above. I had to dissembled the tank for it. Now, I think it was a mistake. I should really remake the tank. It won't be easy. I will installed three Carbon 6 Laser Cannons and some small laser guns. The helicopter will have the healing gun, the proton target-tracking-projectile gun, and some grenade-like plasma guns. I had joined a new clan, which all other members seems to be Taiwanese. And they seems like pros. The Team Deathmatch that I join with them is, to me, impossible to win. They were too OP (Over Power) for me. Not only that they have the Levithians, but also the Chain Shredders and the missile launcher. The missile launcher is what I feared the most. Even other pros feared it too, it seems. They missiles are target tracking. The Levithians are the weapons that I feared the second. They are like powerful Carbon 6 Laser Cannons. And the Chain Shredder, the weapon that I feared the least out of those powerful three weapons, are like powerful version of those small laser guns. But I rarely see them. But on comparison with the Levithians, they are nothing. Not only that the Levithians are more commonly seen, but their projectiles looks thicker which creates an illusion that they are way more powerful. Now there's another weapon that I have never faced, but should be worry when I used ground robots. That weapon was the Ion Distorter. The Ion Distorter is like shotguns. If they were installed in robots which are fast, they could be real problem. But if we used air robots, we don't have anything to fear. The only other way for robots to be fast enough to get close to an air robots is by using jets. But most people don't just jets on planes for they are too fast, and thus, hard to control. Another game that I played on last Thursday is called No More Room in Hell. This is a multiplayer zombie surviving game. We could either survive through waves of zombies, or achieved objectives to win. There's one game that to me was the most memorable. I had picked up a lot of ammos, but I've tried every gun and not one single gun are of the same type of ammo that I picked up. Until I finally got a sniper. Unfortunately, I was infected by then and died shortly after that.

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