Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 11, 2016


  Few days ago, I started to re-read Arinthian Line. I believe I had said about this book in an entry few months ago. I started readin book 4, then book 3, and now I'm reading book 1. Sever Bronny, author of Arinthian Line, said that he expected the fifth book of the series to be available by Christmas. I was really looking for it. I might have said before that the fifth book is the last one in the series. For some reason, I misread it. It wasn't the last one in the series. Also, there's a line in the book that said, "when the blind leads the dead". I think this refers to Leland, who is blind, leading the undead army of Occulus using the Agonex. I don't know, I might be wrong, or I might be right.

  This evening, after I had finished my guitar class, I walked to Mipec building, which had Fahasa, a bookstore, to buy two mire volumes of Idiots, Tests, and the Summoned Beings, which was Baka to Tesuto to Shoukanjuu in its original language. These two are volume 3 and 3.5. There is a volume 3.5 because volume 3.5 is about short stories. I'm currently reading volume 3. You might be asking, "But you said above that you are reading book 1 of Arinthian Line." And yes, I did say that. But I stopped Arinthian Line to read Baka to Tesuto. Not that I like it more; I would do the same to Baka to Tesuto if there's a new book in Arinthian Line series. The fifth book in the Arinthian Line series is called Legend. This series is getting better and better. Especially when Leera and Augum became a couple. They are sometimes hilarious and...adorable. And I am sure that there's will be at least a tear by me if the series ends.

  Now, let's talk about Robocraft. I had saw people with a lot of pieces. I once saw in a video on YouTube a guy who had over a hundred rotors while I only had two. There's also one other "mystery" that. Was wandering about Robocraft. It was how do we get the currency in this game besides recycle. I haven't played a gamemode which yiellded money to me. And I really need some in game money because I want to buy more weapons especially the Carbon 6 Laser Cannon. And maybe I could save some money to buy the Chain Shredder.

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