Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 3, 2016


  Yesterday, I didn't finished writing blog, so I continued after we came home from our uncle's home. We actually also went to another uncle of mine house. There, I played a game on my cousin's iPad called Walking War Robot or WWR. I think it was a neat game. I kinda like it. 

  Today, my DVD player wrecked. As the result, I just read the section that I will have to read today in my history and science book. I also finished the math lesson on my textbook on my own without the teacher's teaching me. I just need to read the description and instructions of how to do it on the textbook and be able to do it. I was a little bit happy about that. I used a lot of spaces on my notebook to draw my graph. I think I did a good job on my graphs. After those things, we went to buy a new DVD player. At that place, I saw a iPad Pro. It was quite big. It wasn't as big as I had expected when I first know it. Oh, I almost forgot. My semester exam tests got a good score. Only one test got about 81. But I don't remembered which one it was. Most of them wasn't below 90, just most of them. In the afternoon, I finished later because I can't learn in the morning. In science, we learned about birds. Another name for birds are Avian. The teacher showed us a bird's skull and lower bill. She also showed us the bird's sternum. I like it. I had never seen the real bird's bones before. I bird's sternum was bigger than any other bones on it.  

  I couldn't learn HTML as I have said I would do because there wasn't much time. But I did learned a little bit of the first part of the song Imperial March. It was also know as Darth Vader's theme. It sound good on my guitar. 

  I had finished the book Dave Barry's Greatest Hits, again. I had read it over and over for, like, five times; and I still like it. I'm starting to read it for another round. Unbelievable, right? Yeah, I think so too. This was like to best book that I have ever read. 

  Tonight, while my dad and I bought the device to electrocute mosquitos, I bought ring biscuits for my family with my own money. I like that biscuit. I'm gonna shared it tonight. 

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