Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 3, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad and I watched the movie Survivor. The movie was about a lady named Kate who worked at the U.S. ambassador. When she almost stopped a scientist who worked for a group of terrorists, the terrorists sent a mercenary to kill her. The rest of the movie was just about how she hide from the mercenary and stopped the terrorists' plan. The movie was quite good. I like it because there're some fighting, but Kate doesn't fight back too much so I didn't like it that much. I also watched a video about funny gun moments. There was a guy standing in front of a target. When he draw his gun out of his pocket, he accidentally shot his own leg. It was so funny. Another one was about three Arabians shooting a rifle, and all of them was shocked back by the gun's recoils. Another funny moment was when a guy filming a video to threat someone. When he was holding a gun, he accidentally shot the ceiling; and here is what he said, "My mom's gonna kill me." I didn't watched all of them, but the ones I watched was really funny. 

  This morning, I walked faster than yesterday by about 1 minutes 32 seconds. The total time today was 42 minutes and 12 seconds. I think that was a good thing. Hope that I could walk faster in the future. In history, we were still learning about the Pilgrims, and guess what, Mr. Smith but his glasses away again! I started to suspect that he had a twin who need to wear glasses because it makes no sense when he just wear glasses sometime and don't another time. My thesis statement gonna due in next Monday. The thesis statement was just simply a sentence stating why we choose s subject to write about. And I already had it covered. The type I choose was inventions, and I choose to wirte about lightbulb. In science, I discovered that birds don't have muscles on their back. They had some muscles in their chest and was around their collar bones to pull the wings up. It was interesting. Birds was like the only warm-blooded who didn't had back muscles. 

  I had completed 40% of HTML on Codecademy. I was happy to about that. I had just started this week, and I had finished 40%. Tomorrow, my parents will go to the airport to go to Canada. I was a little bit worried that something might happened. But I was also happy. 

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