Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 3, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched movie instead of watching on Wednesday because on Wednesday, I had to wash the dishes. I kinda started watching somewhere in the beginning. The movie was called McFarland, USA. The movie was based on a real event. Mr. White just came to MrFarland, where most of the people were immigrants from Mexico, to start a school there. There're too many characters in the movie that I couldn't remember them all. Most of them are from the family Diaz. Mr. White was a coach who coached his students to run the cross country race. At the end, they were the winner on the State Cross Country Race. And the runner from that school, maybe different teams, won the total of nine first-place for the school. That movie might not have action or any other things from my usual genre of movie, but that movie wasn't so bad. 

  My dad actually forgot the read my blog, but I think my blog was "well-written". I didn't go straight to sleep after I brushed my teeth because it was still early, and by early I mean 10:12 pm. I read few jokes from the book 1,001 More Great Jokes. I had already described this book, so I won't say anything more about the book. But I'll tell you a joke that I read today, or at least my version of it. Here we go. At a cocktail party of a United Nations, a representative of Mexico ask the representatives of Russia, United States, and Poland, "Pardon me, but what's your opinion about meat shortage?" The representative of United States ask, "What's shortage?" The representative of Poland ask, "What's meat?" And the representative of Russia ask, "What's an opinion?" Do you get it? United States' representative asked so because they had so much that they didn't have any shortage. Poland's asked so because they had so little food to the level of having no meat. And Russia asked so because they had Communist and no freedom, no letting people to have opinions. That was one of the greatest jokes in that book. 

  Today, I didn't walked as fast as yesterday. If fact, I failed to achieve the maximum time to walk two and a half mile. Nothing significant about my lessons today except that the teacher showed us the shark's gill slits and parts near it. The part was from a relatively small. It had been dissected by tenth graders before. I spend most of the afternoon reading 1,001 More Great Jokes and Edison, His Life and Inventions. I think those books wasn't too bad. I read the biography about Edison becaue there's a book report coming up, and I choose the biography type of book for report. I wasn't worried about it as I worried about my research paper. 

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