Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 3, 2016


  Last Saturday, my grandmothers and cousins from my mom's family came to our home to play with my little sister. I played the new game that my dad installed for me on iPad. The new game was quite good. I could controlled few giant walking robots, one at a time, of course, around and shoot other players while trying to capture the beacons. I played on iPad while my cousin played on the computer. I also read the book that my dad downloaded for me. It was the third book of The Arinthian Line. As I've said before, my dad downloaded this book despite it was the third one. The book was continued the adventure of Augum Stone, the son of Lord of Legion, the antagonist group of the story, from the previous book. The plot involved around Augum, Bridget, Leera, and Anna Stone, Augum's grandmother, trying to hide the scion from Lord of Legion so he can't open the portal to Ley and gain power. I like this book because there're magic, fantasy, action, and others things that i might not know. Might cousin and my sister once played in my room that day, and only my cousin clean up the toys. My sister doesn't clean up the toy so I said I won't allow her to go in my room, and she said yes. And next day, when my cousin went to my room, she wanted to go in; but I won't let her in and closed the door. My sister doesn't take to television and watch cartoon instead of letting my grandmother do. Actually, she can't. My grandmother was pretty serious about what she said before. She said she won't let my sister watch in her time.

  Ok, let's talk about Sunday. Yes, well, on Sunday, my cousins from my dad's family get to came to visit us. Suprisingly enough, the mess wasn't as big as yesterday. I continued to read my book. I am currently at the part where the trio was at the Castle of Occulus, the Lord of Death. I don't know if the author really do this, but it sounds like from the device the play game called Occulus. There's not much to say about as Saturday. Only that I miss my parents. My sister always want to talk to my mother. Maybe mostly because she want to have the new toy. She want a Lego set the had princess in it. As for me, I want a Nerf blaster as I've said, again.

  Today, I started to learn about pie chart in math. I also had a problem in HTML % CSS that I learned on Codecademy. The problem was in stylesheet.css. It said I had to modify the <div>, but I don't know how to do so.

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