Yesterday, I started working on a website of my own. I did quite good. But there're still many problems to solved. I almost had an argument about how to play a song with my dad again. But it was just almost this time. Family meeting was short. Partly because it was late, and also because my mom forgot to prepare what to speak. It's funny because my mom was the one who remembered about the family meeting. I also finished my preliminary outline.
This morning, I walked faster than yesterday's morning. Yesterday's time was exactly 42 minutes. If you thought that was interesting, you will be even more interesting to know that one my first mile and second mile, it took me 17 minutes and 1 second. That means my average speed one the first and second mile was exactly the same. Incredible! I learned from history that King Louise XVI's son is Louise XV, and his son was Louise XVI. That was something to notice about. Well, maybe not that much. Math, one of the subject that I doesn't hate nor like in school, taught me about the order to simplify a equation. Not the one with x plus some number equal some number plus some number. It's the one like, for example, 1(2+3)-1=?. I don't think that I have explain it out here because you already got it, right?
I had no Bible class today. Instead of the time I had to learn Bible, which there's no lesson, I read 1,001 More Great Jokes, the sequel book of 1,001 More Jokes. I think the name was obvious that 1,001 MORE Great Jokes was a sequel of 1,001 Great Jokes, not to mention the description. The book had a lot of jokes. I've read this book, like, five times before, and somehow I still enjoy this book. Interestingly, after a few times reading the same jokes again, I suddenly understand some jokes that I didn't get it before. But, of course, there're still some jokes that I still enjoyed read over, and over, and over, and over again. I had a very exciting news today, do you want to hear it? *complete silence* I said do you want to hear it? *complete silence again* Oh, well, guess I'm gonna say it even if you don't want to. I had finally successfully create a website! Yay! *another complete silence* I'm so disappointed about you, random people. I still copy most of the sample website that was made on Codecademy, but for me, close enough. I the top picture was still from Codecademy simce I could find no better picture. The four pictures below still couldn't be form into two rows, two pictures on each row. But the buttons above could link to Lego's and Nerf's website. Overall, that was a good step for me, but it also shows that I need to work on it a little bit more.