Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I chat with my friends a little bit before I went to bed. I didn't watch the television.

  This morning, I again failed to walk three miles in fourty-six minutes or less. My time today was fourty-seven minutes and about thirty seconds. I don't know how I walk slower, but the twmperature was a little bit higher than yesterday's. At first, I thought that I would walk fast enough because my right leg doesn't get tired during my walk. My left leg still get tired, however. I might have walk too slow at some part.

  When I came home, my dad has already went to his entrepreneur class, and my mom had took my younger sister to school. I had went out to the market to buy sticky rice before I got home, and that was my breakfast. Of course, I drink Nestles ice tea as usual. I drank two cups of ice tea. It was sweet and also a little bit sour. This might be one if the best soluable drink that I have ever drank. I like it better than jasmine and artichoke tea. Even better than cappuccino or milk coffee. Of course, I like those milk coffe where it was black coffee with condensed milk.

  In school today, I learned about the French and Indians War. In that war, English general, General Bradford, was killed because he refused to take cover to fight as the French and Indians. Instead, he and his red-coated soldiers march in straight lines, doesn't take cover, and even announced their arrival with drums and flutes.

  This evening, I translated the first story in Lois Bates' Story Lessons on Self-Behavior (Morals) and Manners. It was three times longer than the usual stories. That took me all evening. I also memorized part of Imagine Dragon's Demons.

  Tonight, my dad and I gonna start programming games on Condingame.

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