Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 10, 2016


  Last Friday, I forgot to bring a book which one of my friends asked for me to let them borrow. Too bad next week she won't be able to take it since she will go to a Halloween party or something. It was pretty fun there, except that I can't play Order and Chaos Online since I need to update it to play it. And I can't update it there due to one of the worst wifi connection you could ever find there.

  That Saturday, I played War Thunder. My friend, as I called him base on his War Thunder account, Foxtrot wasn't online on Skype so I can't make a gameplay with him. I was able to unlocked three new planes. They are a fighter, one naval bomber, and one medium bomber. The medium bomber was a pretty big plane. It had more defensive turrets and any other plane that I have. This might have three or more defensive turrets. But both of the new bombers only had twelve bombs on it. My last bomber had sixteen boms on it on default. Oh, and I can't see why the developers of War Thunder make torpedoes for the game. Those things sucks. You have to fly low and slow in order to fire them successfully. Sure, it would be good against ships. But the currents ships are easy to destroy. I mean, there's a map with AI ships where I almost destroy al, the ships single handed except for one which I wasn't fast enough to kill. I had once tried to use the torpedo. The result is that I crashed in the sea and had killed none. Those are the worst moments in War Thunder of mine. Anyway, I did record two gameplays, which I merged into one. One was before lunch, and the other was after lunch. I redownloaded Vokoscreen to record it. It did record the game's sound, but my sound was cutted off near the end due the some error. That might be one of my worst gameplay. But the good new is I've found the way to let my video have a custom thumbnail. Somehow, I didn't noticed that before. There's a virtual button next to the thumbnails which said "custom thumbnail". Wonder why I haven't seen that before. Anyway, that Saturday was the day where I had the most developments in War Thudner. I mean, three planes researched in three or four hours, that's a pretty big accomplishment for me. I'm looking for the day where I got a bomber with a lot of defensive turrets. That way, I could fly low to fight other fighters instead of flying up high waiting to get to bomb dropping destination, which is so boring.

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