Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched the movie Ted 2. This movie was a sequel of the movie Ted. The series talk about John and his teddy bear, which was alive because John wished that Ted was alive when he was a little kid. In this second movie of the series, the state of Massachusetts said that Ted isn't a person but rather a property. Thus, Ted lost his job, memberships, and wife in a legal sense. Of course, his wife was still with him. Only that the law doesn't acknowledge it. That movie was really funny. 

  Ok, let's talk a bit about what happened today before we get to the none-daily topic. Which was mainly about what I loke and interest it. Of course, I didn't include all as you might have noticed, which there's a very small percentage that you notice. I learned a new song which was a Spanish song. I like it. I especially like Spanish song on the acoustic guitar. But it was different using the electric guitar, which I haven't play it but had heard song with it. I prefer rock song or the kind of modern Western United States song. My second favorite type of song is the cowboyish song. But I also like songs from piano. The 6th, or 9th, Symphony by Beethoven and the nightcore version of the song Demon are two of my top two favorite song by piano. But I also like remixes. It wasn't like the kind of remix with different songs. It was the kind made by the YouTube channel Schmoyoho. They make songs out of people speaking. Jacksepticeye got a song made from his videos by Shmoyoho. 

  Ok, now let's talk about my YouTube channel, War Thunder, or World War II. The P-40, usually had paints like sharks. I could only had eyes on my P-40 in War Thunder. I need two stickers to made the eyes because if I use flip, it won't be mirror image. And I need two more sticker, which require premium for it. Oh, and by the way, Star Bundle, a website that sold codes to buy games from Steam, had a sale where they sold a game for a dollar only. In all of those games, I think that the game Sir, You're Being Hunted is the game I might download, if I'm allowed to. It would be a good game to record on my channel. In World War II, the British, Americans, and Canadians race with the Russians to go to Berlin. But the Americans decided to part off to go into southern Germany and found many places where Hitler hides the golds. 

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