Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I found another place to learn guitar. I was supposed to call to that place, but I decided to do it tomorrow, which is today. After that, my dad and I went upstair to my room to learn coding. We continued the project on CodinGame. But I don't remember Python. I've forgotten its codes. So, my dad told me to watch python lessons on YouTube. I've watched to episode three when my dad told me to go to sleep. But, of course, I didn't went to sleep right away. I read the third book of the Skulduggery Pleasant series. This was the last book in the series that I have. I remembered that there's five or six books in this series. There're four books translated to Vietnamese. I haven't found the last book translated to Vietnamese. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find any books of the series at the bookstore when I last went to th bookstore, which was last week's Thursday. Also, I had a friend whose birthday is today. She said she wants a book. But she said that in the group chat so no one know who she was telling to. Bet when we went to the church on Friday, none of us bought the book. If she ask why, bet we would said that we thought that she was talking to the other person. Of course, unless some of us actually went out to bought the book for her. Anyway, unless it's one hundred percent sure that she was talking to me, there's no way I'm going to buy it. Also, I forgot to edit and upload the footage of my Robocraft gameplay and showing my dad the Assassin's Creed the Movie.

  This morning, I walked faster than yesterday. Still, it was slower than the requirement. The time it took me to walk three miles was fourty-six minutes and ten seconds. I was slower than requirement by exactly ten seconds! Could you believe that?  Well, I supposed it is better than being slower than the requirement by one second.

  This evening, I called to a new guitar teaching center using the phone. Then, after my dad and I pick my youner sister up from school, went to that center to get more informations. Tomorrow, at 5:00 pm, I'm going to go to that center to learn guitar. Tonight, I'm gonna upload the gameplay footage and show my dad Assasin's Creed movie trailer

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