Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched Jacksepticeye on YouTube after I've finished uploading the second gameplay video on my YouTube channel. This video was a gameplay of Robocraft. By the way, the followings are the video games that I intended to uploade on my channel: Robocraft, Red Crucible: Firestorm, War Thunder, Ryzom, maybe Toribash, and Star Conflict if I could get it to work. I watched Jacksepticeye plays games like Aragami, Total Accurate Battle Simulator, Trolltube and other Troll games, Mr. Bodyguard, etc. Because I forgot to stop by thirty minutes, I'm not allowed to use the iPad today or tomorrow. Before I sleep, I took out all the books I want to sell. That includes the Lucky Luke and Smurf comics along with other book style comics.

  This morning, I again walked too slow. The time it took me to walk three miles today was fourty-nine minutes and twenty seconds. This one was way too slow. It maybe because I was thinking while I walk. I was slower than the requirement by three minutes and twenty seconds.

  This noon, I decided to put the Secret of Nicholas Flamel series and the second book of John Carter in the group of books which I'm going to sell at my parent's fair this Sunday. In history, I learned about the first stage in American War of Independence. This wasn't actually in the war yet. This was about the growing of tensions like the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. We also learn a bit about Patrick Henry who said, "Give me death, or give me liberty." In science, I reviewed for our second test. In math, we learned about the commission.

  This evening, I went to my new guitar class. It costs 2,160,000 vnd for twelve classes. I learned about the Do Re Mi song using guitar. I also learned about how to play guitar using classic style. It was still pretty hard. The class was only for one hour. When we went home, we passed by Auchan to buy oyster. I also buy a new headphone with a microphone to say in my gameplay. It costs 229,000 vnd.

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