Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 10, 2016


  This morning, I was able to walk three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. It took me fourty-four minutes and fourty seconds or somewhere near it.

  In the afternoon, I started to go to my guitar lesson at 2:50 pm. I thought that it would took me ten minutes to prepare and half an hour to walk to the class. But turns out, it only took me twenty-three minutes to prepare and walk to the class. When I arrived, it was 3:13 pm; and the door of the class wasn't opened yet. Because of that, I walked to a nearby cafe. I bought an ice chocolate cup for 25,000 vnd. It was quite delicious, although it had too much milk in it. There's also a free cup of tea that came along with the chocolate. I learn a new song at my class today. This song only requires one string, but was greatly more complicated than the last one. When the class ends, I walk back to home. It took me only nineteen minutes this time to walk back home.

  Now, let's continue talking about War Thunder, my YouTube channel, and other World War II planes or tanks. I figured out, using Wikipedia on my Kindle, that the US M4 Sherman was the most produced tank by US in World War II. It could beat German light and medium tanks. That means that the Panzer is useless against the Sherman. But heavy tanks, for example the Tiger, was able to defeat the Sherman, though not invulnerable to the Sherman. As I might have or have not said before, the German manufactured the Tiger to go agaisnt the Sherman. The US Army solve this problem by installing a new cannon for the Sherman. This means, if the German wants a tank to defeat the Sherman, they had to make a brand new Tiger. However, if the US wants a tank to defeat the Tiger, they simply only need to install a new cannon on the Sherman, which there're a large number of them. But the Tiger was way bigger than the Sherman. The Tiger might be twice the size of the Sherman. Their armors might be thicker too. Now let's talk about the dive bombers. Dive bombers are planes that drops bomb from straight down, allowing the bomb to hit the target with more accuracy. But dive bombers are usually small planes and slightly bigger than the fighters. They are easier to destroy than the bombers.

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