Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad was a little bit tired, so our family meeting ends soon. I ate cookie with yogurt.

  Now, let's make a paragraph or two about my YouTube channel. My YouTube channel, KBGaming, only had two subscribers. There had been four gameplaus uploaded to my channel. But the analytic said that the longest viewer watch it for three minutes. And the video with the most views was the War Thunder Gameplay #1 which had nine views already and was my first video. Here's that video's link: I started to make gameplays with my voice in it since my third gameplay, War Thunder Gameplay #2. The two videos prior to that had musics in it. But the musics are not made by me. The second video was the gameplay of Robocraft, a game which we made our own robots to fight with other players. But my favorite game is War Thunder. War Thunder, made by Gaijin, was a Russian made game. That game's graphic was marvelous. That game was also available for the Playstation 4. The game was wet in World War II era. But it also had a few jet fighters from the Korean War. But there's no planes from the Korean side. There's only USA, Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Japan, China, and Britain's air forces. The most remarkable plane is the German's BV-236 or something. That plane had a lot of turrets. Even though it doesn't have as much turrets as the B-17 Flying Fortress, I think this plane is worthy to be called the German Flying Fortress. That plane was classified as a heavy boat ship. That plane doesn't have any bombs or torpedoes, though. I think that the torpedoes are useless. They required to plane to fly low and slow to drop it. And there's not much maps with ships on it. But the torpedoes might be useful when the Knights of the Sea update came out, which the exact date wasn't announced yet. Of course, I was talking about torpedoes on planes, not on torpedo ships. I only wish that the KS update had destroyers. The torpedo shipsand other only had machine guns. I only like to fire those heavy power and slow firing cannons. That makes the ship seems powerful. There had already been destroyers, but they are currently AIs. There's might be AI foot soldiers later on. The game had been running for three years. It was great, but only had two out of three kinds of fighting: air and ground.

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