Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 10, 2016


  Last Friday, we didn't went to my friends' house for church. But instead, we went to a stadium for a meeting of all Protestant churches in Hanoi because it have been 100 years since the first Protestant church was established in Vietnam. Most of my friends wasn't there so it was a little bit boring to me.

  On Saturday, I record a gameplay of War Thunder and upload it to YouTube. The video was about twenty-two minutes long. It was my first gameplay with my voice on it. I was really happy. Except that nobody except my friends had watched it. But I already have two subscribers. But I suspect tha tone of them only subscribe my channel for a term called "sub for sub". This means that one subscribes to another, and the other subscribes to his/her channel. But I partially doubt it because I had no message of that guy about the sub for sub thing. That night,  went to Viet Duc School to help my parents set up the fair. We arrived at 4:00 pm. When it was 6:00 pm, we returned home because the school had another program from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Before I went back, we had already set up half of the fair. The other half was done by midnight.

  On Sunday morning, I went to the fair to sell my old books. I stayed until 1:00 pm. I sold most of my books. I sold all of Smurfs, Lucky Lukes, and The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. There's a lady who bought a book of mine, she had paid for it but told me to keep that book for her while she go around. In the end, she didn't appear to take it. That evening when I came home and had sleep for a while, I make anither gameplay. This time, I play Chivalry: Medievel Warfare. That game had a sale on Steam. It was 90% off. I didn't bought the game though. I download the 39 hours free trial one. The trial had ended by now. In this gameplay, I felt bolder. I, of course, also had my voice in this.

  This morning, I was able to walk three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. It took me fourty-five minutes and fourty-two seconds to walk three miles.

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