Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 10, 2016


  Today, I was able to walk three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. Today was even faster than yesterday even though I was a little bit tired.

  Now, let's talk about World War II, World War II era planes or tanks, and my YouTube channel. Now, as I have said before, I've unlocked to P-40 in War Thunder. And as I have said in my lastest gameplay, I don't know if there are many kinds of P-40 or just one P-40E which I currently have. Ahyway, the P-40 looks good. But it wasn't as strong as my SBD-13 in the sense of destroying AIs partly because the SBD-13 had all of its upgrades unlocked. And the P-40 only had about half of them unlocked. The P-40 might be the most famous fiter in the USAF, the United States Air Force. By the way, the United States Air Forces, the Royal Air Force, and the Luffwaffe are the only three air forces in World War II. The Royal Air Force is the British's, and the Luffwaffe is the Nazi
German's. Another thing that had absolutely nothing related to this is birthstones. I had recently found  out about birthstones. There're three charts of birthstones. There're the traditional, modern, and mystical. The tradition chart was made by a guy name Joshepus or something. He thought there's somethign related witht the stones the stones on Joshua's chess plate or something. My birthstone in traditional and modern chart is both garnet. In the mystical chart, however,, mine was emerald. I dont know who or where made the mystical birthstone chart. Now, let's get back to the War Thunder topic. Anyway, I was quite looking forward to the time when the Knights of the Sea update actually comes out, probably next year or something. But I was kinda concern. I can't play with tanks because it's too laggy, and I'm afraid that will be the same with ships. But it would be wonder to have them, however. Destroying player ships are much better.  But if there're submarines with guided missiles, them I'm not gonna play maps with ships. Anyway, I really hope for that time when I u locked the B-17 or the BV-236. In War Thunder, I actually like propeller planes than jet planes. The propeller palnes look better. I know that they are less effective than jet planes, but they look better.  Jet bomber looks pretty good actually. Only if they had modern planes.

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