Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 10, 2016


  Last weekends, I didn't play War Thunder due to the fact that I got a test or quiz with the score below 60. So it was quite boring. I mainly spend my time by staying upstair to read books. I'm currently reading The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas for my next book report. This book talks mainly about a guy whom like tulips and was put in prison. I can't spell out his name because the book wrote his name in a way for Vietnamese to be able to read it. I also watch a lot of movies. One notable one is Paddington. Paddington is based on a book by an English author. The movie Paddington was about the adventure of a bear from the jungle of Peru in London with the Browns. Funny how Paddington looks like a grizzly bear and that family's name is Brown. Somehow, I can't remember what movies I watched on Saturday. Paddington is funny. I like it. Though I would like the movie I watched after it, Fury, if I haven't watched it before. Fury was about a tank crew in World War II. In the end, their tank broke down and they had to keep a German SS battalion front attacking a group of cooks and engineers in a distance town. In the end, all died except Norman, the newest guy in the crew.

  I'll continue talking about World War II, YouTube, or War Thunder. There might be less things to talk about War Thunder because I'm not allowed to play it this weekend. Anyway, the reason I like the P-40 is because it's nose is pointy, not flat. It makes the plane looks more streamline. Now, let's change the topic. I've figured out that the position of the fighter's machine guns are different. I have know of two. The first place is right above the engine. And the second place is inside the wing. My World War II era plane model, whcih was made of Lego. Had its guns in the wings. I have recently modified it. It's wings are longer and had flaps to flip up or down. It couldn't actually fly or shoot of course, or else I will be more famous than, I don't know, Vanoss, maybe. Vanoss is not too famous as Felix Kjellberg (Pewdiepie) or Sean (Jacksepticeye). But he is quite famous. The German's tanks are called Panzer, short for Panzerkampfwagen, which means light armored vehicle. The tanks Tiger II looks quite good. Its cannon is long. And it looks cool.

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched the movie Ted 2. This movie was a sequel of the movie Ted. The series talk about John and his teddy bear, which was alive because John wished that Ted was alive when he was a little kid. In this second movie of the series, the state of Massachusetts said that Ted isn't a person but rather a property. Thus, Ted lost his job, memberships, and wife in a legal sense. Of course, his wife was still with him. Only that the law doesn't acknowledge it. That movie was really funny. 

  Ok, let's talk a bit about what happened today before we get to the none-daily topic. Which was mainly about what I loke and interest it. Of course, I didn't include all as you might have noticed, which there's a very small percentage that you notice. I learned a new song which was a Spanish song. I like it. I especially like Spanish song on the acoustic guitar. But it was different using the electric guitar, which I haven't play it but had heard song with it. I prefer rock song or the kind of modern Western United States song. My second favorite type of song is the cowboyish song. But I also like songs from piano. The 6th, or 9th, Symphony by Beethoven and the nightcore version of the song Demon are two of my top two favorite song by piano. But I also like remixes. It wasn't like the kind of remix with different songs. It was the kind made by the YouTube channel Schmoyoho. They make songs out of people speaking. Jacksepticeye got a song made from his videos by Shmoyoho. 

  Ok, now let's talk about my YouTube channel, War Thunder, or World War II. The P-40, usually had paints like sharks. I could only had eyes on my P-40 in War Thunder. I need two stickers to made the eyes because if I use flip, it won't be mirror image. And I need two more sticker, which require premium for it. Oh, and by the way, Star Bundle, a website that sold codes to buy games from Steam, had a sale where they sold a game for a dollar only. In all of those games, I think that the game Sir, You're Being Hunted is the game I might download, if I'm allowed to. It would be a good game to record on my channel. In World War II, the British, Americans, and Canadians race with the Russians to go to Berlin. But the Americans decided to part off to go into southern Germany and found many places where Hitler hides the golds. 

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I was a little bit sick so it's hard for me to sleep. I can't sleep until somewhere after 1:00 am a few minutes. I was still a little bit tired today, but I felt much better than yesterday.

  I don't learn guitar today because the teacher and I had some problem remembering the time. I still think that I am right.

  Anyway, yesterday, my dad and I research a little bit about current army's transportation. The C-35 or something is the largest US made transportation plane in the USAF today. The Nimitz class was the biggest aircraft carrier in the US navy and the world. There's some other country with aircraft carriers that I do not think that they have it. Thailand is one of them. Another country is France.

  I've found a new WWII era plane in the USAF. It was the P-51. The P-51 outward look, in my opinion, wasn't as good looking as the P-40. One of my questions about planes that wasn't in World War II is that does the B-52 use jet engines or propellers. Base on my dad's respond when he saw the picture of the B-52 with jet engines, it seems like the B-52 use propellers only. But the pictures that we found shows it otherwise. Also, I've programmed a dictionary which was about the planes in World War II that I know from three different air forces. They're the USAF, the RAF, and the Luffwaffe. The Luffwaffe had the Messershmitt BF 109, Messershmitt 262A, the BV-238. The RAF had the Spitfire, Hurricane, and the Typhoon. The USAF had the P-40, P-51, SBD-13, and the B-17. I was able to let my program asking for which air force to see until we type "stop". It was pretty cool. Anyway, I will record a gameplay with my friend on War Thudner name Foxtrot on Saturday if all go according to plan. And maybe another friend of mine which I met on the game AtWar. I only hope that if Foxtrot couldn't play on Saturday and move it to Sunday, I would be able to play on Sunday too.

  Tomorrow, I think I'll get well.

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 10, 2016


  Today, I was able to walk three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. Today was even faster than yesterday even though I was a little bit tired.

  Now, let's talk about World War II, World War II era planes or tanks, and my YouTube channel. Now, as I have said before, I've unlocked to P-40 in War Thunder. And as I have said in my lastest gameplay, I don't know if there are many kinds of P-40 or just one P-40E which I currently have. Ahyway, the P-40 looks good. But it wasn't as strong as my SBD-13 in the sense of destroying AIs partly because the SBD-13 had all of its upgrades unlocked. And the P-40 only had about half of them unlocked. The P-40 might be the most famous fiter in the USAF, the United States Air Force. By the way, the United States Air Forces, the Royal Air Force, and the Luffwaffe are the only three air forces in World War II. The Royal Air Force is the British's, and the Luffwaffe is the Nazi
German's. Another thing that had absolutely nothing related to this is birthstones. I had recently found  out about birthstones. There're three charts of birthstones. There're the traditional, modern, and mystical. The tradition chart was made by a guy name Joshepus or something. He thought there's somethign related witht the stones the stones on Joshua's chess plate or something. My birthstone in traditional and modern chart is both garnet. In the mystical chart, however,, mine was emerald. I dont know who or where made the mystical birthstone chart. Now, let's get back to the War Thunder topic. Anyway, I was quite looking forward to the time when the Knights of the Sea update actually comes out, probably next year or something. But I was kinda concern. I can't play with tanks because it's too laggy, and I'm afraid that will be the same with ships. But it would be wonder to have them, however. Destroying player ships are much better.  But if there're submarines with guided missiles, them I'm not gonna play maps with ships. Anyway, I really hope for that time when I u locked the B-17 or the BV-236. In War Thunder, I actually like propeller planes than jet planes. The propeller palnes look better. I know that they are less effective than jet planes, but they look better.  Jet bomber looks pretty good actually. Only if they had modern planes.

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 10, 2016


  Last Friday, I forgot to bring a book which one of my friends asked for me to let them borrow. Too bad next week she won't be able to take it since she will go to a Halloween party or something. It was pretty fun there, except that I can't play Order and Chaos Online since I need to update it to play it. And I can't update it there due to one of the worst wifi connection you could ever find there.

  That Saturday, I played War Thunder. My friend, as I called him base on his War Thunder account, Foxtrot wasn't online on Skype so I can't make a gameplay with him. I was able to unlocked three new planes. They are a fighter, one naval bomber, and one medium bomber. The medium bomber was a pretty big plane. It had more defensive turrets and any other plane that I have. This might have three or more defensive turrets. But both of the new bombers only had twelve bombs on it. My last bomber had sixteen boms on it on default. Oh, and I can't see why the developers of War Thunder make torpedoes for the game. Those things sucks. You have to fly low and slow in order to fire them successfully. Sure, it would be good against ships. But the currents ships are easy to destroy. I mean, there's a map with AI ships where I almost destroy al, the ships single handed except for one which I wasn't fast enough to kill. I had once tried to use the torpedo. The result is that I crashed in the sea and had killed none. Those are the worst moments in War Thunder of mine. Anyway, I did record two gameplays, which I merged into one. One was before lunch, and the other was after lunch. I redownloaded Vokoscreen to record it. It did record the game's sound, but my sound was cutted off near the end due the some error. That might be one of my worst gameplay. But the good new is I've found the way to let my video have a custom thumbnail. Somehow, I didn't noticed that before. There's a virtual button next to the thumbnails which said "custom thumbnail". Wonder why I haven't seen that before. Anyway, that Saturday was the day where I had the most developments in War Thudner. I mean, three planes researched in three or four hours, that's a pretty big accomplishment for me. I'm looking for the day where I got a bomber with a lot of defensive turrets. That way, I could fly low to fight other fighters instead of flying up high waiting to get to bomb dropping destination, which is so boring.

Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 10, 2016


  This morning, I was able to walk three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. It took me fourty-four minutes and fourty seconds or somewhere near it.

  In the afternoon, I started to go to my guitar lesson at 2:50 pm. I thought that it would took me ten minutes to prepare and half an hour to walk to the class. But turns out, it only took me twenty-three minutes to prepare and walk to the class. When I arrived, it was 3:13 pm; and the door of the class wasn't opened yet. Because of that, I walked to a nearby cafe. I bought an ice chocolate cup for 25,000 vnd. It was quite delicious, although it had too much milk in it. There's also a free cup of tea that came along with the chocolate. I learn a new song at my class today. This song only requires one string, but was greatly more complicated than the last one. When the class ends, I walk back to home. It took me only nineteen minutes this time to walk back home.

  Now, let's continue talking about War Thunder, my YouTube channel, and other World War II planes or tanks. I figured out, using Wikipedia on my Kindle, that the US M4 Sherman was the most produced tank by US in World War II. It could beat German light and medium tanks. That means that the Panzer is useless against the Sherman. But heavy tanks, for example the Tiger, was able to defeat the Sherman, though not invulnerable to the Sherman. As I might have or have not said before, the German manufactured the Tiger to go agaisnt the Sherman. The US Army solve this problem by installing a new cannon for the Sherman. This means, if the German wants a tank to defeat the Sherman, they had to make a brand new Tiger. However, if the US wants a tank to defeat the Tiger, they simply only need to install a new cannon on the Sherman, which there're a large number of them. But the Tiger was way bigger than the Sherman. The Tiger might be twice the size of the Sherman. Their armors might be thicker too. Now let's talk about the dive bombers. Dive bombers are planes that drops bomb from straight down, allowing the bomb to hit the target with more accuracy. But dive bombers are usually small planes and slightly bigger than the fighters. They are easier to destroy than the bombers.

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 10, 2016


  This morning, it rained a little bit so I don't walk. Because of that, I began my class an hour earlier than normal.

  This evening, I went to the dentist to fix my teeth. My front teeth had been reduced its size and will be coated with porcelains this Friday.

  Now, let's continue talking about War Thunder and my YouTube channel. Yesterday, I commented on Jacksepticeye's channel, asking for tips from him about my channel. As the result, I got another subscriber. Jacksepticeye haven't replied yet, though. I hope that he will reply to my comment. Other than that yesterday, I searched how to became popular on YouTube using WikiHow. I also post a discussion on Steam discussion forum about needing another friend to co-op with on my gameplays. Anyway, the BV-236 on War Thunder was a premium plane. For that reason, I think that the German BV-236 was stronger than the US B-17B Flying Fortress. Anyways, I found out that the Spitfire had two models. One was the German Messeschmitt A262 was the first jet fighter. The Japanese Mitsubishi AM6 was the plane called Zero. The two USAF planes that I knew of was the B-17 Flying Fortress and the P-40. The P-40 was a fighter while the B-17 was a bomber. I had a book about planes which said that the B-17 had thirteen defensive turrets on it. Judging from the look of the German BV-236, the BV-236 only had about five defensive turrets. But somehow, the BV-236 was more powerful than the B-17. The Messesschmitts also had at least two propeller models in War Thunder. I only know two models, one of which had the famous Nazi symbols in the middle with yellow in its head and tail. I don't know much about the Chinese or Soviet air force in War Thunder. Gaijin was a Russian company, but I didn't care about that enough to make me interest in Russian planes. But I was interested in odd-looking planes. One of the examples was the plane with the nickname Flying Pancake for it flat and circular shape. I also found out that there's a Russian bomber in that game with was like in WWI era.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad was a little bit tired, so our family meeting ends soon. I ate cookie with yogurt.

  Now, let's make a paragraph or two about my YouTube channel. My YouTube channel, KBGaming, only had two subscribers. There had been four gameplaus uploaded to my channel. But the analytic said that the longest viewer watch it for three minutes. And the video with the most views was the War Thunder Gameplay #1 which had nine views already and was my first video. Here's that video's link: I started to make gameplays with my voice in it since my third gameplay, War Thunder Gameplay #2. The two videos prior to that had musics in it. But the musics are not made by me. The second video was the gameplay of Robocraft, a game which we made our own robots to fight with other players. But my favorite game is War Thunder. War Thunder, made by Gaijin, was a Russian made game. That game's graphic was marvelous. That game was also available for the Playstation 4. The game was wet in World War II era. But it also had a few jet fighters from the Korean War. But there's no planes from the Korean side. There's only USA, Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Japan, China, and Britain's air forces. The most remarkable plane is the German's BV-236 or something. That plane had a lot of turrets. Even though it doesn't have as much turrets as the B-17 Flying Fortress, I think this plane is worthy to be called the German Flying Fortress. That plane was classified as a heavy boat ship. That plane doesn't have any bombs or torpedoes, though. I think that the torpedoes are useless. They required to plane to fly low and slow to drop it. And there's not much maps with ships on it. But the torpedoes might be useful when the Knights of the Sea update came out, which the exact date wasn't announced yet. Of course, I was talking about torpedoes on planes, not on torpedo ships. I only wish that the KS update had destroyers. The torpedo shipsand other only had machine guns. I only like to fire those heavy power and slow firing cannons. That makes the ship seems powerful. There had already been destroyers, but they are currently AIs. There's might be AI foot soldiers later on. The game had been running for three years. It was great, but only had two out of three kinds of fighting: air and ground.

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 10, 2016


  Last Friday, we didn't went to my friends' house for church. But instead, we went to a stadium for a meeting of all Protestant churches in Hanoi because it have been 100 years since the first Protestant church was established in Vietnam. Most of my friends wasn't there so it was a little bit boring to me.

  On Saturday, I record a gameplay of War Thunder and upload it to YouTube. The video was about twenty-two minutes long. It was my first gameplay with my voice on it. I was really happy. Except that nobody except my friends had watched it. But I already have two subscribers. But I suspect tha tone of them only subscribe my channel for a term called "sub for sub". This means that one subscribes to another, and the other subscribes to his/her channel. But I partially doubt it because I had no message of that guy about the sub for sub thing. That night,  went to Viet Duc School to help my parents set up the fair. We arrived at 4:00 pm. When it was 6:00 pm, we returned home because the school had another program from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Before I went back, we had already set up half of the fair. The other half was done by midnight.

  On Sunday morning, I went to the fair to sell my old books. I stayed until 1:00 pm. I sold most of my books. I sold all of Smurfs, Lucky Lukes, and The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. There's a lady who bought a book of mine, she had paid for it but told me to keep that book for her while she go around. In the end, she didn't appear to take it. That evening when I came home and had sleep for a while, I make anither gameplay. This time, I play Chivalry: Medievel Warfare. That game had a sale on Steam. It was 90% off. I didn't bought the game though. I download the 39 hours free trial one. The trial had ended by now. In this gameplay, I felt bolder. I, of course, also had my voice in this.

  This morning, I was able to walk three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. It took me fourty-five minutes and fourty-two seconds to walk three miles.

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched Jacksepticeye on YouTube after I've finished uploading the second gameplay video on my YouTube channel. This video was a gameplay of Robocraft. By the way, the followings are the video games that I intended to uploade on my channel: Robocraft, Red Crucible: Firestorm, War Thunder, Ryzom, maybe Toribash, and Star Conflict if I could get it to work. I watched Jacksepticeye plays games like Aragami, Total Accurate Battle Simulator, Trolltube and other Troll games, Mr. Bodyguard, etc. Because I forgot to stop by thirty minutes, I'm not allowed to use the iPad today or tomorrow. Before I sleep, I took out all the books I want to sell. That includes the Lucky Luke and Smurf comics along with other book style comics.

  This morning, I again walked too slow. The time it took me to walk three miles today was fourty-nine minutes and twenty seconds. This one was way too slow. It maybe because I was thinking while I walk. I was slower than the requirement by three minutes and twenty seconds.

  This noon, I decided to put the Secret of Nicholas Flamel series and the second book of John Carter in the group of books which I'm going to sell at my parent's fair this Sunday. In history, I learned about the first stage in American War of Independence. This wasn't actually in the war yet. This was about the growing of tensions like the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. We also learn a bit about Patrick Henry who said, "Give me death, or give me liberty." In science, I reviewed for our second test. In math, we learned about the commission.

  This evening, I went to my new guitar class. It costs 2,160,000 vnd for twelve classes. I learned about the Do Re Mi song using guitar. I also learned about how to play guitar using classic style. It was still pretty hard. The class was only for one hour. When we went home, we passed by Auchan to buy oyster. I also buy a new headphone with a microphone to say in my gameplay. It costs 229,000 vnd.

Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I found another place to learn guitar. I was supposed to call to that place, but I decided to do it tomorrow, which is today. After that, my dad and I went upstair to my room to learn coding. We continued the project on CodinGame. But I don't remember Python. I've forgotten its codes. So, my dad told me to watch python lessons on YouTube. I've watched to episode three when my dad told me to go to sleep. But, of course, I didn't went to sleep right away. I read the third book of the Skulduggery Pleasant series. This was the last book in the series that I have. I remembered that there's five or six books in this series. There're four books translated to Vietnamese. I haven't found the last book translated to Vietnamese. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find any books of the series at the bookstore when I last went to th bookstore, which was last week's Thursday. Also, I had a friend whose birthday is today. She said she wants a book. But she said that in the group chat so no one know who she was telling to. Bet when we went to the church on Friday, none of us bought the book. If she ask why, bet we would said that we thought that she was talking to the other person. Of course, unless some of us actually went out to bought the book for her. Anyway, unless it's one hundred percent sure that she was talking to me, there's no way I'm going to buy it. Also, I forgot to edit and upload the footage of my Robocraft gameplay and showing my dad the Assassin's Creed the Movie.

  This morning, I walked faster than yesterday. Still, it was slower than the requirement. The time it took me to walk three miles was fourty-six minutes and ten seconds. I was slower than requirement by exactly ten seconds! Could you believe that?  Well, I supposed it is better than being slower than the requirement by one second.

  This evening, I called to a new guitar teaching center using the phone. Then, after my dad and I pick my youner sister up from school, went to that center to get more informations. Tomorrow, at 5:00 pm, I'm going to go to that center to learn guitar. Tonight, I'm gonna upload the gameplay footage and show my dad Assasin's Creed movie trailer

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, we made a plan for me to find a place to learn guitar. Not only because I need to learn guitar, but also because I wanna make friends. At our family meeting, we ate Kinos, another kind of potato chip, instead of Ligo because the store near us doesn't sell that anymore. Kinos wasn't as good as Ligo. It doesn't have as much seasoning as Ligo, and it wasn't as crispy as Ligo. But comparing Ligo to Pringles, Pringles is still the best potato chip sold in cylinder container. Of course, there're still many kind of better potato chip than Pringles. One of them is Lays. Lays is called Poca in Vietnam, but here, we don't have sour cream flavor Poca. Only imported Lays has sour cream flavor. 

  This morning, I walked slow again. Today's speed was way slower than yesterday's. The time it took me to walk three miles today is fourty-seven minutes and twenty-four seconds. Yesterday's time was fourty-four minutes and fifty-nine seconds. My legs were a bit tired while walking. My right leg had also got a little bit tired. I think the reason I could walk faster yesterday is because the way I walk. I didn't lean forward, each time I stretch my legs out was longer, and I didn't have a fast pace. 

  This morning, in school, there's not much subject. Bible doesn't have any lessons, and history had a test. I found out that I had forgotten to do Quiz 7. And I had to do it. My quiz was terrible, like, 5/10 only. My test might be better. But because it's too long, I don't check to see how much of the test is correct. I also had a math speed test. 

  I also translated nearly two articles that evening. One was a story from that book which my dad planned to translate somwe could publish it. The other one was about five things that entrepreneurs truly understand. I could only translate the first few sentences of it before I went with my dad to the place where my younger sister's school bus drop her. We also ate ice cream. Then we went to the place where there're guitar teacher. But the school had been disbanded long ago. I had to find a new place now. 

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 10, 2016


  Last Friday was a little bit boring because there're only a few of us there. And Replaykit don't even work on Blitz Brigade. And to make the matter worse, not much of my friends whom I like to talk with are online on Facebook. That night, I try to send a report form for Gameloft talking about the Replaykit problem. But they said that they can't send it, and it took too long so I gave up.

  On Saturday morning, I had to delete War Thunder then redownload it. The reason I had to do that is because the game keep crashing whenever I had opened it for two minutes. It took over two hours for me to download it. When I was finally finished downloading it, I was only able to play half a game. Also, I had unlocked another Attacker I think I should unlock a Fighter next time. Now, my hypothesis is that a Fighter specialize in destroying other planes, whereas the Attackers are specialize in destroying ground units, which was the main objective in most of War Thunder game. But I still research on another Fighter because it looks cool like the P-40. The Attacker was also sleek, but I like the Fighter more. Not because of it's usefulness, of course, but because of it's look.

  That evening, I went out to Hoan Kiem lake by myself to buy some books. My dad told me that I need to go out. I bought four books, two of which is short stories by O. Henry, and the other two are Japanese books. One was Sword Art Online 5, which was shorter than book one but had the same cost. I didn't like that book as the other one, Welcome to the N.H.K., which was shorter a bit and cheaper. But it had more humor than SAO 5.

  On Sunday, I brought my book with me when our family went to my mom's mother house. There, I finished the first book.

  This morning, I was able to walk three miles four fourty-four minites and fifty-nine seconds, which is very fast. Also, I started to read the short stories by O. Henry.

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I chat with my friends a little bit before I went to bed. I didn't watch the television.

  This morning, I again failed to walk three miles in fourty-six minutes or less. My time today was fourty-seven minutes and about thirty seconds. I don't know how I walk slower, but the twmperature was a little bit higher than yesterday's. At first, I thought that I would walk fast enough because my right leg doesn't get tired during my walk. My left leg still get tired, however. I might have walk too slow at some part.

  When I came home, my dad has already went to his entrepreneur class, and my mom had took my younger sister to school. I had went out to the market to buy sticky rice before I got home, and that was my breakfast. Of course, I drink Nestles ice tea as usual. I drank two cups of ice tea. It was sweet and also a little bit sour. This might be one if the best soluable drink that I have ever drank. I like it better than jasmine and artichoke tea. Even better than cappuccino or milk coffee. Of course, I like those milk coffe where it was black coffee with condensed milk.

  In school today, I learned about the French and Indians War. In that war, English general, General Bradford, was killed because he refused to take cover to fight as the French and Indians. Instead, he and his red-coated soldiers march in straight lines, doesn't take cover, and even announced their arrival with drums and flutes.

  This evening, I translated the first story in Lois Bates' Story Lessons on Self-Behavior (Morals) and Manners. It was three times longer than the usual stories. That took me all evening. I also memorized part of Imagine Dragon's Demons.

  Tonight, my dad and I gonna start programming games on Condingame.

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I chat with my friend on Facebook. I was allowed to chat later than later because my dad watch movie on the television. My dad Pyramid, a horror movie about a group of archeologists and people who film the exploration of a new found pyramid. But they failed to escape. And to make things worse, there's a mysterious creature inside the pyramid killing those who enter it. The following sentences may contain spoilers. That mysterious creature was Anubis, who take people's heart and put in on a scale to see if they are pure or not. He won't stop until he found someone pure. And, as all horror movie where our view is through a camera, everyon single person in the movie died.

  This morning, I also failed to walk three miles in fourty-six minutes or less. I even walk slower than yesterday. My time today was fourty-six minutes and twenty-seven seconds. The reason that caused me to walk slower is because I walk too fast at the beginning. I usually complete the first mile in sixteen minutes, but today, it only took me fifteen minutes to walk a mile. And usually, only my left leg is the one that got very tired during the walk. But my right leg also got very tired today. However, I was still able to walk pretty fast. And thanks God that my stomach doesn't ache.

  This morning, I had to end class soon because I have a speech about human body. I had to end class soon by not watching the mathmetics class video but only read and do the works in the textbook. And when I got upstair, I realized that I forgot to translate a whole page of words in my speech that I don't know in Vietnamese. Because of that incident, my speech today seems worse than the last one.

  In the evening, I translated two stories from Story Lessons on Self-Behaviour (Morals) by Lois Bates. After that, I went downstairs, take my dog out for it to pee, take a bath, and then read the lesson that I won't learn until five lessons later. And while my dad and I were walking, we talked about games.

Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 10, 2016


  Yesterday, I translated three more stories in Story Lessons on Manner and Behavior or something by Lois Bates. Two of those stories are about truthfulness. And the last one was about loyalty. The book said that loyalty is "doing right even when no one was around." Anyway, that night, I ate chocolate cookies and another type of cookie for our family meeting. The chocolate cookie wasn't delicious at all. It was like those square, buttery cookies in a Danisa cookie box except that they have chocolate chips. When I bought it, I thought was supposed to be something like those 76,000k chocolate cookies. I also bought Nestles ice tea. I love this tea. You could make it with cold water, and I doesn't make it hard to sleep. It's flavor was also good. It had like flavor, even though it taste just like I had drink it years ago.

  This morning, I wasn't able to walk three miles in fourty-six minutes or less. My time was fourty-six minutes and seventeen seconds. God still help me in that, even though I didn't achieve the time. Because, as they've said, God help those who help themself. The weather was cool at first. Later, however, it started to get hotter and sunnier. Luckily, there's some pretty tall buildings around blocking the sun's light and making most part of my walk cooler.

  When I returned, I ate fried rice and Nestles ice tea. They may not be a good combination for breakfast, but both of them are delicious when eaten separately. Since the ice tea could be made with cold water, I used cold water that I put in the fridge to make it. A glass of sweet cold ice tea makes me feel cooler after my walk.

  Today, I had two quizzes. One of reading appendix quiz, and the other was spelling quiz. But I forgot to do two other quizzes, so I had to do four quizzes today. The spelling quiz got the worst grade. I only got 16/20 right. And in that afternoon, I didn't translate any article. Instead, I read the section about human body in my last year's science textbook for my speech about human's body. This speech is the second one the continue my last one. I'm gonna present it tommorrow.

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 10, 2016


  Last Friday, my friends at our church invited their friend whom they met on Facebook. We also took picture of each other. It wasn't the normal though. We all try not to be taken picture. I was able to toke some. One of the ways I do this is by having my friend behide me, then switch from back camera  to front camera. Works everytime.

  On Saturday, I tried to play War Thunder, but somehow, I can't run the game. It keep closing itself. I tried to record Red Crucible: Firestorm, but I died too much so I got bored. Finally, I play Robocraft; but I didn't record it. I sold a rare part, which I can't use because my robot's CPU, the measurement of amount of pieces you're able to put on the robot, wasn't enough. I sold it for about 36,000 units. It was enough to buy two railguns, four plasma guns, two anti-aircraft guns, and a right electro shield. It still doesn't help me. But when I have learned how to use those guns together in the right way and play against AIs, those mew guns actually help me. The railguns are use to snipe enemies from afar. Plasma guns are from closer enemies. Strong plasma gun are for enemies very close for they took a lot of energies to fire. And laser guns are for finishing enemies with very few health because these guns took very little energies to fire.

  On Sunday, I continue to play Robocraft and actually record it. But I haven't edited it. That night, my dad taught me how to drive the motorcycle.

  Today, I was able to walk three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. My time today was fourty-five minutes and thirty seconds. The temperature was normal. It was a little bit windy in the beginning. But later, it was a little bit hot. But I was able to walk fast enough.

  In school, I had a science quiz and math speed test. Both were good. The science test got one out of ten wrong. I also had a Bible verse quiz. The verse quiz, as my dad estimated, got a 98 point.