Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 9, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad found out that I chat on Facebook while I was making the previous blog entry. That's the reason my previous blog entry was shorter.

  This morning, I went out walking. Although I didn't walked as fast as Monday, I was faster than yesterday. I didn't completely remember my time this morning, but it was somewhere about fourty-four minutes and some seconds. It wasn't as hot as Monday, but I stills walk slower. I hope that I would do better tomorrow. When I came hime, my dad had already gone to the place where he had gone for the last two days to learn with a people from Austria. He had already read my report of the 8th grade materials. We had estimated that it would took me three days to do it. But instead, it only took two days for me to do it so on the third day, I started to learn.

  When I started to learn, it was already 9:00 am. It was later. I had to study continuously in order to be able to finish all subjects by noon. And I did. We only had two new teachers in 8th grade. The new teachers are in Bible and history. We still have Mr. Ender, Mrs. Schmuch, and Mrs. Howe. In math, language, history, and science, we started to learn about the easy materials. The only subject that I enjoyed the most today was history. There's nothing new that we learned today except that we learned why the Crusades and the Renaissance and others helped the discovery of America.

  In the afternoon and after I work up at 3:00 pm from my noon nap, I went up to translate an article name "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life" or something like that. It took me quite a while as always.

  After I finished translating that article, I went down to cook rice then take a bath. Dinner was actually pretty good to me. We ate the rest of uncooked salmon. It was delicious. On time, I put so much soy sauce with wasabi on my piece of salmon, and it was so spicy that I actually laugh a little bit. Tonight, I'm gonna watch movie on the television.

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