Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 9, 2016


  Yesterday, after I wrote the poem about our next home, I started to chat on Facebook with my friends. But sometimes, my friends are just busy with something else or are not online, so I watched Youtubers playing games on YouTube instead. I watched Muselk play Team Fortress 2 and Battlefield 1. I didn't watch Jacksepticeye because the game she played just wasn't my type so I didn't watch any of his videos. But today, I just uploaded a video of the game Reign, and I like that game. In a video of Muselk play Team Fortress 2, he said that the weapon Cow Mangler, equipped by Soldier, was the best weapon of Soldier. You might ask, "What's the problem in that?" Well, sir, the problem is that I used to had that weapon until I dissembled it to make a shotgun that was basically the worst weapon ever in Team Fortress 2. Anyway, Battlefield 1 was actually made more recently than Battlefield 4. I think that those two games might be made by different developers. Battlefield 1 was made by Electronic Arts, but I don't know who made Battlefield 4. Battlefield 1 was still a beta version. It was set in World War I, maybe in Africa. I don't know if it was that Muselk was good at First Person Shooting games or that I sucks at them, but Muselk was about to use a anti-tank weapon as a sniper. He shoot at a target, like, kilometers away. I doubt that that game was gonna be free and available for Linux on Steam.

  This morning, my speed was much slower than yesterday's. Today's time was forty-five minutes and fifty-one minutes. It was fifty-six seconds slower than yesterday. And it was as warm as yesterday, too.

  This afternoon, I translated an article about was to achieved entrepreneurial success. Later, my dad told me to review history and science. I will redo the history appendix quizes tonight and science tomorrow. It was kinda hard because I didn't remember most of science.

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