Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 9, 2016


  Yesterday, at our family meeting, we ate chocolate chip cookies that we bought on that evening while we go out to buy stuffs for my mom to make Russian salad. It was delicious. I used to eat it before. I used to bought it at a supermarket name Fivimart. The first time I eat it was when my dad and I buy the chessman cookie. We see this chocolate chip cookie, and I wants to try it so we bought it. But it was also expensive. It costs 86,000 vnd.

  This morning, I walked quite fast. I forgot to stop the clock until I had already walked 3.01 miles. The time was fourty-three minutes and one seconds. But I think it was supposed to be fourty-two minutes and fifty-two seconds. But, at least, I had walked faster than yesterday and few days before it. I don't know why I suddenly walked faster than the days before. And I was happy because I had walked fast. And the gap between last time's time and today's time was pretty large.

  In school today, I was finally able to do the tests and quizzes. I do all the English II and science paperworks. I also do a few mathmetics speed tests and a quiz. There's one paperwork that I only got 70. And that is kinda sucks. I was kinda worrying about the science test that I just do this morning. Luckily, there's no Bible lesson today. And science was short because we had a test so I was able to do the paperworks. All of math got a hundred percents. Tomorrow, I will do the rest of the paperworks.

  This evening, I translated an article about 6 habits that prevents us to succeed. One of them is that we're sitting too much. Anyway, my dad corrected the article translated by my cousin before I could. And I haven't even read the article that he send for me to read.

  Tomorrow, my dad and I will have to go to the dentist to file the enamel of my teeth and replace it with synthetic enamal.

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