Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 9, 2016


  Yesterday, at our family meeting, we had coconut ring cookies and burned rice. Not the kind of rice which burn when you try to cook it. It was the kind of hard rice with dried chopped pork. I eat mostly coconut ring cookie. It was delicious. But the total price of those two items equal the price of a box of eight bags of Goute cookies. Our family meeting ends late. It was already 10:02 pm when I started to chat on Facebook. I told my dad that I would stop at 10:30 pm, but I was late by thirteen minutes. Because of that, I was not allowed to chat today. But luckily, I will watch movie on TV with my dad since it was his day to watch TV.

  This morning, I still haven't completed three miles in fourty-six minutes or less. Because I was a little bit slow on stoping the timer, my time today was fourty-six minutes and eight seconds. It might have been a few seconds faster if I had stop the timer faster. I don't know why I walked slower. Maybe it was because of the heat of the morning. But recently have been remarkably slow. I need to somehow improve my speed. And I just realized that I am terrible in speaking English with an English accent, which I am talking right now, which makes realized that I'm bad at that.

  In history, I started to learn chapter five. We had recently finished our first history test which was last Friday. The test was pretty well. I had already said yesterday, I think. We had no Bible lesson today. I also had a spelling and poetry quiz. My spelling quiz was probably gonna have a 95 on it. And my spelling test might have the same or less. I remmy poem pretty well. But I just can't remember the author's name. The name of poem is called "Footprints on the Sand of Time".

  In the evening, I also translated another article for my dad and check the translated story which my cousin translate. Her translated story was pretty good. But I suspect that she use Google Translate.

  Tomorrow, I hope that I will walk faster. I also need to find pictures for my presentation tomorrow. And the day tomorrow is when I will present my science lesson.

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