Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 9, 2016


  Last Friday, my friend, whom I asked her to buy for me a book that I will pay for and in return she could borrow it, forgot to bring the book to the church. I wasn't too disappointed because I had realized earlier that that might be one of the cases that might happens. But, however, I still had fun there. Two of my friends said that they need to do their homeworks for an hour. After a few minutes, I came down, saying that they had done most of the homeworks earlier.

  On Saturday, I work up quite early. I work up when it was somewhere about 7:15 am. I somehow misread that as 8:15 am. So I ask my dad to woke up to open my computer one hour earlier than normal. At first, I checked Facebook to see if there are any of my friends online, but there are none. Then, I tried to play Red Crucible: Firestorm. The game glitched. The screen showed the game, but my mouse was controlling outside the game. I had finally been able to escaped that glitch and wuit the game immediately. Next, I tried Star Conflict. This time, Steam glitched. It said that the game is running, but it's not. I can't open it another time, nor close it, so I changed to playing Pirates, Knights & Vikings. After I had played a little bit, I play Team Fortress 2. I didn't play that game recently because my computer used to be slow, and TF2 was really slow on it. But now, my computer is faster and I could even play community servers. I played the zombie game mode mostly. After that, I tried a domination mode community server. I was playing quite good in that game.

  On Sunday, my dad and I went to my grandparents house. I talked with one of my uncles about games a little bit. That night, we came home at 9:30 pm; and I chat a little bit.

  This morning, I walked slower than the days in last week. My time today was fourty-six minutes and fourty-six seconds. I think that I walked slower because I walked too fast at first, thus tiring my left leg. Tonight, we're gonna have a family meeting. Since it's raining, we don't have anything to ear except foods was already had. Tomorrow, I hoped that I would be able to walk three miles in less than fourty-six minutes.

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