Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 9, 2016


  Yesterday, I chat a little bit before I went up to read Arsene Lupin. This book is about several stories about Arsene Lupin, a fictional French gentleman-burglar. This book also had Sherlock Holmes, but he was called Holmlock Shears. I think he was called that for copyright reasons. I'm not sure about that, but I think that's why his name was changed like that.

  This morning, I can't use my dad's iPhone because it had a problem with its battery. Its battery is inflating. The first time, I clicked the start running button; and it restarts by itself. After it had restarted, I clicked the first number of the passcode, and it restarts itself again. That was when I return home. I had to estimate the rounds for three miles and use my old black Nokia phone to time my walk. My time today was somewhere about fourty-four minutes and fourty-eight seconds. The reason I'm not sure about my time is because when I'm walking and just pulled my phone out, the phone fell out of my hand, hit the ground, and the battery fell off. After I had put the battery back in and restart the phone, I found out that it doesn't remember the time. So I had to add the time after the phone fell with the time that I estimate that took me before the phone fell. It was still pretty fast though not as yesterday.

  In class today, we are getting into geology in science. Other than that, there are no new thing in other subject except the new Bible verse. The verse this time is short. It consists of only one verse. If I remember correctly, it was John 5:27.

  In the afternoon, I had finally finished all the paperworks that I didn't do. It took me quite sometime.  But I didn't do that before I went to the dentist to took my brace off. It wasn't painful at all. It actually fells great. I'm finally free from my brace. The wire had hurt my mouth sometimes.

  Tomorrow, my dad will starts to check my works on my textbooks. But I had enough confidence in my works.

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