Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 8, 2016


  Yesterday, our family had a family meeting. I was the one how had to share a story or an article with a lesson that day. Unfortunately, my dad somehow got a small fever so he can't listen to me. I shared the article that I just translated that afternoon. The article was about the seven things that the richest people in this world knew about money. I think that article was pretty good. I could even remembered all seven of them now.

  This morning, I woke up at six o'clock in the morning. But I was just tired so I lay down a few minutes more. When I woke up, I found out that my "few minutes" are actually fifteen minutes. But at least my walking time today was faster than yesterday's. My time today was fourty-three minutes and twenty-eight seconds while my time yesterday's was fourty-three minutes and fourty-three seconds. I was faster by thirteen minutes. Even thoght that seems a little time, but I was happy to be able to walk faster than yesterday.

  Today, I continued to learn about ecology in science. I also had a science quiz. After the teacher said the answers, I found out that I missed one. The question what was the term that describes the variety of species in an ecosystem is supposed to be biodiversity, not population. I I didn't remember any other mistakes, but I'm pretty sure that there's more than one. And I'm pretty nervous about it.

  In mathematics, I learned about how to get rid of fractions in quotions. Just multiply the fractions by their least common denominator and do the same to other terms.

  Today, I didn't translate any article since I had to go with my dad to cover up the drilled hole in one of my front teeth. But we go earlier because my dad also had an appointment with some people. After my dad finished the appointment and the covering of my tooth, we went to the bookstore to buy books while we waits for my younger sister time to go home from school. I bought the fourth and final book of the Maze Runeer series. 

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