Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 8, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched movies on television; but since there're no good movie to watch, I asked my dad to open the iPad for me to chat on messenger. We talk about many things, none of which I remember now. I chat until it was nearly midnight, which is 00:00 am. My mom and younger were sleeping in my room since my parents' air conditioner in their room doesn't work anymore.

  Early in this morning, somewhere around 2:00 am, I heard it raining outside. By 5:00 am, my mom woke up to take temperature of my younger sister who somehow had a small fever. When I woke up, it was already 7:45 am. My mom didnt woke me up because she didn't know that I started my school day by 7:00 am. And since it's raining, my mom didnt woke me up to walk. Fortunately, somehow, I had a lot of tests. And by a lot I mean three. There're Bible, history, and science test along with a math quiz.

  In English, we learned about how to write a sentence correctly. And in mathematics, we learned about the terms in an equation. This is one of the lessons in algebra that we learn in school.

  Since I've finished school early, I started to read The Study in Scarlet, which was a Sherlock Holmes novel. That was the first book of the series. It talks about how Doctor Watson meets Sherlock Holmes.

   This afternoon, I translated another article that my dad send for me to translate. The article this time talked about why we should know ourself first before we start a business. The article was short.

  So after I've finished translating the article which I have say earlier, I persuaded my dad to let me play game on my computer since I could play on Saturday because our family gonna go to our grandparents' house. I played Star Conflict, a game where we controlled a spaceship trying to shoot and destory other enemy spacechips. I've said about this game on the August 1st entry. I had by now reached a rank 3 ship. I could have u lock a rank 4 ship if only I had enough money. The rank 3 ship was a command ship and an upgrade version of the Axe. And the rank 4 ship was a frigate, which was the upgrade version of the Zealion.

  I am really exciting about Sunday. The church gonna go up somewhere that was nowhere near Hanoi. I dont know why, but I'm just excited for it.

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