Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 8, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad and I watched the movie Kidnapping Freddy Heineken. The movie was about a group of five friends that kidnapped Alfred Heineken, the maker of the Heineken beer. This movie was based on an real event. The three friends are in Netherland. In the end, they are all caught.

  This morning, my mom woke me up to walk. It had rained before, but the rain had stopped by then. After I got up and ready to go, it started to rain again, so I went back to sleep. Later, my mon told me that after I've went backto sleep, it stopped raining and started to rain again.

  When I woke up, I went out to buy two bowls of pho. I was now able to eat chilly without upsetting my stomach. I really like that dish. One interesting fact. I called it a dish, but it wasn't served on a dish.

  To be honest, not much interesting things happened today in school. In math, I learned about how to combine like terms. In history, I learned about the 9-11 and the Talibans and Al-Quaeda.  In language, I continued to combine sentences using adjective clauses and adverb clauses.

  This afternoon, I somehow slept a lot. I didn't woke up until 4:30 pm. After I woke up, I read Sherlock Holmes. And no, I did nit re-read the stories that I've read before. I read the long stories, or novels, as it is called.

  Today, I learned to cook a new dish. I didn't remember the name of the dish.

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