Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016


  Yesterday, my family had a family meeting. I had some fish-skin peanut. I don't know why they name it like that nor is there any taste of fish, but one thing is for sure, this is delicious though not as much as Poca's peanuts. Anyway, I shared my article that I translated that noon at the meeting. That article is my first article where there are examples instead of the author saying.

  This morning, I went to the hostel. At the hostel, I managed to talk a little bit to two foreigners. But it was mainly about their breakfast order. I also watched Jacksepticeye's videos. I especially like the Sneaky Thief game of all the videos that I haven't watch on the weekend. My dad take me home late, again. He arrived late because my dad went to a fish shop before he came to take me home.

  In the evening, I translated another article. This article where longer than the yesterday's article. This had 15 ways to know that you are success. That article took me quite a while. When I finished translating it, it was already about 5:30 pm. Luckily, tonight I only have to cook rice only.

  I just realized that I forgot to say abiut the games I played on the weekend. A new thing to update is that I have finally got the new Jericho rank 5 ship name Machete AE. I installed a Assault Railgun on it instead of Flax Cannon. The reason I do that is because the railgun tends to fire faster and because the Falx Cannon's projectile speed might be slow, and I don't want to waste money just to find that it was slow. Red Crucible had nothing new. I am still at level 11. I stills haven't buy the new pistol, heavy machine gun, or rocket launcher. The rocket launcher had actually been updated. Instead of only kill a person when it hits directly, I could now kill when hit the ground near him.

  Tonight, my dad gonna watch movie on the television, and there a chance where he gonna sleep before he watch the television. If that happens, which already does, I'm gonna take control of the television. Either that or I'm gonna watch on iPad.

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