Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched the remaining of X-Men: Apocalypse. I've watched the first part of the movie last week's Wednesday. This movie was set few years after X-Men: First Class. I'm gonna described it now.

  Apocalypse was the first mutant and the strongest. After thousand years of sleeping, he awoke on the twentieth century. He assembled other mutants such as Magneto, Psylock, Archangel, and Storm. They abducted Professor Xavier, and Mystique with Nightcrawler, Cyclop, Quicksilver, and Jean had to rescue him. If they can't rescue him, Apocalypse gonna transfer his mind into Xavier's body and got the power to control other's minds. And it was also revealed that Quicksilver's father is Magneto.

  Today, I don't have to walk since it's raining. But I stills have to walk to buy pho. It was quite had to carry the pho's water while holding the umbrella. I didn't put any chilli into it since the last time I out one in, my stomach upset. Because I don't put any chilli in today, my stomach was okay.

  Today in class, I reviewed history, English, science and mathematics for the last time. In Bible, I finished my Bible Final Content Exam. The teachers and other students already had their final goodbye to me.

  This evening, I slept until 3:00 pm. I didn't translate any article. I intended to translate a third one this week's Friday. So I finished the book The Spook's Curse and started to read Dave Barry's Top Hits again.
  Tonight, when we came home from walking, I bought four ice cream comes for my whole family. We're gonna eat it after I finished making this blog entry.

  Tomorrow is my last schoolday. I'm gonna start summer again on Friday. Next week, I'm gonna return to work at a hostel.

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