Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 8, 2016


  Yesterday, we only bought a small box of chocolate ice cream since there're already two ice cream on a stick at home for my mom and younger sister. It was just enough. We ate all the ice creams. We each share a story at the family meeting today. I shared the story in the article that I translated earlier that day. The article talk about the four ways that success people learn more. That was a good article. My dad barely need to check it. It didn't have a single spelling problem. Okay, there's maybe a problem or two; but other than that, there's no problem.

  This morning, when I woke up, it was stil few minutes before 6:00 am, so I sleep a little bit more. Luckily, my mom woke me up before it was too late. I was still be able to walk in three miles for less than fourty-six minutes. I was still slower than yesterday. My time today was somewhere about fourty-two minutes. I don't remember the second of my time, though. But surely, it was slower than yesterday. Oh, I just remembered it now. My time was fourty-six minutes and fourty-three seconds. Exactly a minute and one seconds slower than yesterday. Anyway, I bought pho for breakfast today. I bought two bowls of pho for my dad and me.

  In history, we reviewed what we learned for our next history test. This was our last regular test. The next test will be an exam. In math, we stills learn about algebra rules. In Bible, we reviewed for our next Bible test.

  This evening, I translated anither article. I didn't think that this article was better than the last one. The article today was about the thirteen things that successful people do everyday. After I've translated that article, I continued to read the book Mystery Island by Jules Verne. This was a shorten version of the book. I had an old paper version of that book that my dad gave me.

  Tonight, I intended that after dinner, which I will have after I've finished this blog entry, I'm gonna persuade my dad to let me play Star Conflict on my computer since I could play on this Saturday because we had to go to my parents' house on Saturday.

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