Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016


  Last Saturday, my mom make steaks using the recipes I found online. That evening, I went with my dad to a high school to help him set up the fair that gonna open that Sunday there. At first, it doesn't rain until about 7:30 pm or so. But it suddenly rain right after we finished our dinner. I and my cousin with some other people who work with us ate fried chicken and fried rice. And at the place where I ate that, I saw a guy who looks like Matthew from our summer church camp. After we ran bakc to the school, we went into on of the classrooms to do some jobs that we could do indoor. When it started to rain slower, we went out to do the works outdoor. It was wet outside and there're many time where I stepped into water puddles. I was hoping that day that tomorrow won't rain. But it rain. When we were almost done, my dad came to help us. When we arrived home, it was already about midnight. When I came home, I took a bath right away, of course. 

  On Sunday, I stayed home instead of going to the fair with my mom and sister. I stayed home and watch the television instead. That night, I helped my dad carry up the boxes upstair. 

  This morning, I didn't went to the hostel since Icould only go by 9 am, and I had to go home to go to the restaurant with my parents at 11:10 am. So I stayed home. I also walked three miles. But my time today were slower than usual. My time today was fourty-five minutes and two seconds. The app Nike+ also updated into Nike+ Run Club. 

  When I came home, I translated another article for my dad. That article was about how to stop being average at everything. 

  At the restaurant we went to today, which was a buffet restaurant, I figured out why I usually could only eat two dishes is because I ate too much staunch or whatever you called bread and rice are. 

  Tonight, we're gonna have a family meeting. I bought some "fish-skin" peanut. 

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