Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 8, 2016


  Yesterday, I watched X-Men: Apocalypse. This is the seventh movie of the X-Men franchise, making it the second longest franchise ever, the first being James Bond. It tooks me quite a time to choose which movie to watch. I had three movies in mind to read by then. They are X-Men Apocalypse, Independence Day Resurgence, and Pilgrim Scott VS the World. But I've chosen X-Men. I could only watched half of it, which was one hour, before my dad told me to stop. After I stopped and brushed my teeth, I read The Kill Order by James Dashner. The Kill Order is taken place in eastern United States thirteen years before the Maze Runner event. Mark, Trina, Alec, and their friends are living in a survivor village. One day, a Berg, a big plane, flew over their village and shoot people with darts. They would later found out that in the darts are virus which were planned to use as a mean of controlling the populations. They found that they were also had the virus and there're people who were immune to it. They found a girl name Deedee who were a immune. Deedee would actually be taken into WICKED and renamed to Teresa.

  This morning, my time was faster than then requirement. But because my left leg were somehow tired, I didn't walked as fast as yesterday. My time this morning is fourty-four minutes and twenty-four seconds. My time yesterday were fourty-four minutes and sixteen seconds.

  In school today, I finish fast since I don't have Bible lesson. And in mathematics, I could finish it quick since I had already done all of them yesterday except lesson 169.

  Between the time when I've finished my schoolday and lunch, I continued and finished The Kill Order. That book was really good. I hope there's a fifth book.

  This afternon, I translated an article about five necessary things that you need to become a millionaire before you reached your thirtieth year. I really hope that I could actually used those lessons. .

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