Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2016


  Yesterday, my mom said it was her day to watch TV. But she didn't. To me, it was a waste be ause I could have watch it then; but I didn't because I thought she'll watch it. 

  This morning, I didn't walk as usual. I intended to walk in the evening because in the morning, it was too hot. Instead, I went out to buy yellow sticky rice and clothes washing gel. The yellow sticky rice was my favorite sticky rice. Especially when it had some grounded beans on it with dried onion. I don't know what you actually called grounded beans, but it was yellow and, like I have said, grounded and, of course, had beans. 

  Today in history class, I started to learned about the beginning of World War II which was from 1939 to 1945. Germany attacked Greece, which lasted for only a few days, and other nations such as France, Norway, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium with a strategy called Blitzkreig, literally which means "lightning war". France and England declared war on Germany as they and Russia invaded Poland. 

  In science, I had a science quiz. The science quiz was about the microscope. I forgot to tell you that micro was a prefix for something that can't be seen with unaided eyes. Thing that can be seem with unaided eyes had the macro prefix, or at least that's what I thought. I'm not sure if it was a word or a prefix. Anyway, we stills continued to learn about the plant's cells. The plant's cells had a bigger place to store foods within it. I've forgotten the name of it. 

  As in mathematics and Bible, there's nothing significant. The only thing that was significant enough to tell here that I'm gonna have a math test tommorrow. And also, tomorrow won't have any Bible lesson.

  This evening, when it was approximately 6:00 pm, I started jogging. As I've said above, I have decided to walk in the evening instead of morning because it's too hot in the morning. I really think that walking in the evening was better. For the last two days, I haven't reached the walking speed goal yet. But today, I've done it with the time of 43 minutes and 55 seconds. Anyway, tonight is my day to watch movie. And I chose Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I've watched this movie before, and this probably is my favorite movie in the Transformers franchise. 


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