Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 6, 2016


  Last Friday, my friends, Quan and Quang, came over to my house to stay for a few days. That night, we sleep late because we talk a lot and so was the days after unitl they went home today. At first, I thought they won't come over, but turns out, they did. 

  On Saturday, I take my friends out to eat Donar Kebab. It was delicious. I ordered a 20,000 vnd full one, Quan ordered a 25,000 vnd full one, and Quang ordered a 15,000 meat only one. But the salesman put a little vegetable on Quang's one. 

  The rest of Saturday went something like this. Quan seems to like the game Team Fortress 2. I let him play it a little bit, he he said he likes it. I also download two more games. The two new games were Toribash and, uh, I've forgot its name. Anyway, I also found out the the releae date of a Disney cartoon show called Star VS the Forces of Evil was to be released, or premier, or whatever you want to call it, on this July. It was, like, 27 days away from it. Actually, I think it was longer than that. I continued to read Riven, second book of the series Arinthian Line. Because my mom didn't watch movie that night, we watched it. My friends and I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron. 
  Avengers: Age of Ultron was the sequel to Avengers. When the Avengers attacked a Hydra base in a fictional country, Sokovia, Tony Stark, a.k.a Iron Man, found an unfinished artificial intelligence. He took it back home and develope it. The program was called Ultron. Ultron's mission was to bring peace to mankind, but he think that he must destroy all mankind to bring peace. And Iron Man's old artificial intelligence, J.A.R.V.I.S, got a body and named himself Vision. Finally, the Avengers defeated Ultron and save the world once more. And Hulk was lost. The End. 

  Sunday was pretty much like Saturday, except the movies part, so I'll skip to Monday. In the morning, we woke up late. We walked three miles, or to be more correct, "I" walked three miles. Good news is, I walked three miles in just forty-five minites and forty-six seconds. Bad news is, my friend went home about 5:00 pm today. I'll see then in next week's Friday because they're not home this week's Friday. 

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