Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 6, 2016


  Yesterday, my dad and I watched the 2016 Euro football cup, or soccer cup, whatever. We started watching at the 51st minute of the game, which was after the half time. After that, I brush my teeth then went up to read Riven, the second book of the Arinthian Line book series.

  Today, I woke up late, too late. When I woke up, it was already near 10:30 am. I woke up late because last night, I read Riven until late at night. When I returned home from walking, it was already  11:16 am. I didn't eat breakfast because it was only an hour and thrity minutes until lunchtime. I played AtWar a little bit while I downloaded the game Demise of Nations.

  Demise of Nations was a game kind of like Age of Empire and AtWar. It only had a starting map, a pirate map, and Roman's northern conquest. The other maps required money to buy. It would be kind of boring after a while.

  Today, I also translated an article that my dad send long ago. It was about the 10 morning habits of those who were unstoppable. At first, I thought it was good. But the first error was in the first sentence of the article. It was the title. I forgot to put the translation of the word "morning" in it. I also translated the word unstoppable badly. It just doesn't sound right. And last one was that I send the proginal article's link wrong. The link I send was the link the another article that I've translated.

  Tonight, my dad gonna watch Euro football cup again. I'm planning to ask him to let me watch movie iPad since my family gonna go to the cinema to watch a movie that my sister like. You may say, "But you could also watch movie then.". I know, and, as a matter of fact, I've thought about how to answer if my dad ask me that. The answer is because I don't like that movie.

  Tomorrow, I won't be walking as I've planned because the owner of the hotel's son got ta take a shot for ever they give him. So, I'll be free tomorrow. Or, at least, that's the plan.

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