Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 6, 2016


  Yesterday, I watch YouTube instead of watching movie because there's no good movie to watch. I watch Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, Markipiler, Smosh Games, Screen Rants, Smosh, and Kubz Scouts. Most of them play games, except Screen Rants and Smosh. Smosh had funny videos, and Screen Rants had easter eggs or mistakes in movies. After that, I continue to read Riven. I think that never before have there any other book that I loke that much since The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. I have already read the third and fourth book three times and book the first and second book two times before.

  Today, I woke up at 7:30 am, which was 30 minutes later that I intended to be. Because I woke up late, I couldn't walk so I had no walking time to include here. I did set my alarm clock to 7:00 am, but, unfortunately, I forgot to turn it on. And my mom called me to get up. Now, to think of it, it was kinda funny when I actually set the alarm clock right and forgot to turn it on.

  Well, today was my first day working at the hotel of one of my parents' employee husband. It doesn't have too much hard works there. And, as a matter of fact, there's none at all. Not much people were there except those who works there, and had already live there. I only need to do the following works: change the pillows, sweep the floor, mop the floor, and helped change the bedsheets. My dad came to take me home somewhere about 12:40 pm.

  Today, I stills translate another article for my dad. This was the ninth article out of one-hundred articles that I had to translate before May 17th, 2017. The article was about the seven habits that will prevent us to make more money.

  Well, tomorrow, I'll continue to work at the hotel again. Of course I would stills went to the church. But I don't thi k that my two friends, Quan and Quang, would be there because they said they would be on vacation today.

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