Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 6, 2016


  Yesterday, I didn't watch the Euro Football Cup or movie. I was so into the book Riven that it was late when I finished it. Anyway, I still can't go to the hotel to work. I believe that I've already said the reason why in the last entry so I won't say it anymore. I didn't sleep until 12:00 am.

  The part of Riven that I read yesterday was like this. Augum, his friends, Prince Sydo with his maid, and Augum's great grandfather escaped Ley to a cabin of a trapper. Augum's great grandfather died because once a Leyan leave Ley, they die in just days. The trapper went out to trap but haven't return of a long time. To makes things worst, Prince Sydo was in a strong fever. They need to find an arcane healer, or the last heir to Solia's throne will be dead. So Augum and Leera went to the nearby town to find a healer. When they arrived, they found out that the town was controlled by the Legion. That's the part that I reached yesterday.

  Well, because that I have already set the alarm clock on the previuos day, I woke up at  exactly 8:30 am. I didn't achieve the walking time, though. My time was fourty-six minutes and fifty-one seconds. I thought at first that I'll make it. But no, I did not achieve it. I'm kinda disappointed. Well, at least breakfast was okay. I didn't like it that much, but it was stills good enough.

  Today, I didn't play Team Fortress 2, Red Crucible: Firestorm, or Demise of Nations. I decided to return the the old faithful game, AtWar. I actually meet one of the friend there. He's from India. I finally added him and another friend, Hedi, on Facebook. And that friend from India was Kumar, if you wondered.
  Well, tomorrow, I'm gonna go to work at the hotel. My plan is the work in the morning. I will wake up at 7:00 am, waled for 30 minutes. Then went to work at 8:00 am. I'll go at some where near 1:00 pm.

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