Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 12, 2015


  Yesterday, my parents went to Ms. Mai's house for her wedding. I stayed at home alone. I played FIFA  'till lunch. For lunch, I ate four homeade hamburgers. While I made my burgers, I let the game play automatically. I could still win the matches while making burgers for my lunch. After lunch, I kinda get bored of playing iPad, so I started to watch TV. I watched mostly cartoons because not all movies are good to me. That night I watched Interstellar with my dad. Interstellar was set in an earth that's dying. Kyle Cooper after seeing a gravity abnormal, found out that the gravity abnormal was a morse code telling the cordinate of a place. He went to the cordinate and found out that the place was a secret lace of NASA. NASA was making a project to send man to another galaxy and find another planet for mankind to live on through a wormhole near Saturn. When they got through the wormhole, they have to chose which planet to go to; but they must not lose time, for one hour on that planet means seven years back in earth. They went to the first planet that was completely covered with water, but the water was shallow. They went to the planet that was discovered by another explorer that was still alive. It turns out that that planet as unhabitable, the explorer just send the message hoping to be rescue. Now the fuel was low so they have to use all the ships to get there. Kyle Cooper have to drop back in order for Dr. Brand to get to that planet. He was sucked into the wormhole and get to a place where he discovered that he was the one who caused the gravity abnormals. While he was there he send a message to his daughter. The message was the way to save mankind. He finally got out of there and was picked up by some men and took him to a space station where mankind lives now in the future. 

  Today, I learned about Julius Caesar in history. I also learned a little bit about Pompey. In science, I we get to see the results of the expiriments that we made in that chapter like pulling on a frog's tendon to move its leg and see the egg inside a beaker of vingar. In math, I reviewed for the mathematic test in the nest lesson. In Bible, we also reviewed for the test; but I didn't know when the test was. Today, with God's help, I finished my guitar practice goal. The goal was to have 10 times 92% or more withthe speed of 85 for 45 minutes or more. Tomorrow's goal was to practice 20 times 90% or more with the spped of 90 for 45 minutes of more. Tonight my family gonna watch the movie Vacation. 

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