Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 12, 2015


  Yesterday, I watched a movie with my dad called Office Space. The movie was about a guy worked at a office named Peter Gibbon. He didn't like his job at all. One day, he went to a therapist. The therapist hypnosis him to make him forget all worries. The therapist also make him not worried about anything unitl he snapped his fingers, but the therapist died before he snapped his fingers. As the result, Peter don't worried about anything. He didn't go to work until afternoon. One day, his friends at his office were about to be fired. Peter and his friends came up with an idea. There gonna install a program designed by one of Peter's friend to the company's computer. The program will take the money to their bank account, but the plan went wrong. The program were supposed to give the accounts a large sum of money after 2 years, but they recieved nearly a million dollars by next week. Peter planned to give the money back. At one night, he sneaked into the office and put the envelope that contained the checks through the door of his boss. Next morning, as he was driving away for fearing that he'll ended up in jail, he said his office burning. He found out that it was burned by a man named Milton. Milton was forced to moved his desk to the storage room, then the boss tell him that he will needed a flashlight because they'll turned off the light in order to save money. That made Milton so angry that he burned the office. 

  In history, I learned about the church. God's invisible church was that people who belived in Jesus Christ are one church, but some church leaders think that all church must be under on church's control. The Church of Rome declared that Peter and Paul assigned the Church of Rome to be the head of all church. The Bible proved that Peter never went to Rome, and I remembered that the book said that Paul never assigned the Church of Rome. In science, I learned about how we should preserved out skin. We all sweat each day even when we were not exercising. The book say that we should use the sunscreen that have the number of SPF that was 30. Acne was the infection of many sweat glands. Pimple was when sebum were trapped inside our sweat glands, it started to swell. I learned about find the percent of increas in mathematic today. In language, we learned to fixed run-on sentences. In Bible, I learned about the time the Israelites murmured about their lack of water again; so God told Moses to strike a rock and water will gushed out of it. I've completed the guitar practice goal today. Tomorrow's goal was like yesterday, except I have to have 25 times 75% or more. I also learned about Python a little bit today. 

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